burter x reader : the fastest

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// hey guys thanks for checking this out, if you ever wanted to rp dbz or anything hmu !!

Burter was arguably something shy to a narcissist when it came to his speed. He just knew he was the fastest in the universe, but not in the way he was thinking. Burter and (Y/N) frequently had arguments on who could do anything better requiring speed. 

(Y/N) struck a nerve with this one line. "That's probably why you never have a girlfriend, Mr. Fastest in the Universe." Did she know about how Burter was sensitive when it came to his romantic life because he was an ugly reptile man? No, she did not. Burter didn't even speak, he just simply walked off to his room and left the conversation mid-roast. (Y/N) ignored the laughter from the rest of the Ginyu Force, a bad feeling in her gut. 

The next morning after the insult, (Y/N) sat in her usual spot for breakfast. Burter always took a seat beside her, but today he sat as far away from her as he could. A sinking feeling in her gut said that she had messed up big time. The whole day, even when sparring he ignored her! 

"Jeice, has Burter talked to you any today?",(Y/N) questioned and brushed some of her (H/C) hair off her shoulder. "Nah, he's been ignoring everybody. He seemed really down in the dumps, ya outta go apologize mate." Jeice must've known, or else he wouldn't have told her to apologize like he did. 

(Y/N) took that to heart, and now was walking her solemn way to his quarters. She wanted to make things right with them and no longer have her best friend ignore her. She hesitantly knocked, waiting on him to answer. 

" . . . Who is it?",he called out softly. "It's (Y/N). Burter please open the door." There was silence for a while until he stood at the door, his glowing red eyes peered down at her. He was shirtless, which caused (Y/N)'s face to burn red. "What do you want?",his tone was threatening, yet seemingly sad. 

"I wanted to apologize about yesterday, I know I must've hurt your feelings." , "You don't know anything.",he crossed his arms over his massive chest. (Y/N) huffed, biting back sarcastic comments. "May I come in?",she asked. 

Burter said nothing and simply moved out of the way, an unhappy look on his face as he switched on the lights. His room was kind of messy, his spandex body suits and gloves sort of strewn about. Didn't he have someone to clean up his room like the rest of them? Maybe the cleaning lady hadn't made her rounds yet. (Y/N) took a seat on the chair in his room which was close to his bed. 

"Burter I didn't mean it, I didn't know about how you felt relationship wise and I thought it was just gonna be another insult that we laugh off. I didn't know how hard you took it and it hurts not being able to talk to you. Please forgive me.",(Y/N) begged, staring into his ruby eyes. 

Burter was leaning against a wall which supported the mounted TV. He was silent, just looking at her. "I just never have anybody to tell my romantic feelings to, Jeice couldn't possibly understand because he's attractive, and Ginyu is the captain so of course he gets all the girls. I just--I wish someone thought of me romantically, y'know?" 

(Y/N) was glad the lighting in his room was dark, otherwise he would've seen her very red face. "Whose to say that someone doesn't think of you romantically?" Burter scoffed, almost seeming as though he wanted to laugh. 

"Nobody on this ship finds me attractive. I'm just the big blue lizard guy. That's all I've got.",he murmured quietly. Before she knew what she was doing, (Y/N) had used her ki to blast her in mid air, and grabbed Burter's face, for he was much taller than her. She slammed her lips against his, and he froze on the spot. Her lips felt so soft against his scarred ones, even if she did do this out of pity, he enjoyed it. His large hands grasped her sides, effectively holding her sides. He had never really been kissed before, so he simply moved his lips against hers. 

They didn't really need air, but (Y/N) pulled back once she thought it was time. A string of saliva connected their mouths, and a deep blush spread on her cheeks. "I-I'm so sorry I couldn't help it.",she was cut off by Burter pressing another kiss to her lips to silence her. They had stayed like that for a minute, kissing each other, when he finally got bold and tangled his large fingers in her hair. His tongue slid across her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth to grant him access. 

"You know, being the fastest in the universe, I like to take things slow.",he admitted and she could now see the bright glow across his cheeks. He was visibly shaking, and she swore he was about to fall out. "Burter I'm so sorry! I just wanted to prove to you that I did find you attractive and want to pursue a relationship with you, but I knew you wouldn't believe me unless I did something like that."

Burter smirked, holding me gently in his arms. "I understand now." He rested his chin atop of her head and stayed like that for a while before he heard his door slide open. "Hey Burter are we still going to Spacey's--OH MERCY YES!",Jeice practically screamed, waking (Y/N) up from her slumber on her new boyfriend's chest. 

"I-I-I,",Burter couldn't seem to even form words right now, embarrassed his friend caught him being all lovey-dovey. "Oh, I see that you finally got the guts to ask her out, eh?" 

"Actually, I was the one doing the asking.",she teased and stepped down from her hovering, now only standing up to Burter's chest. 

"Well, make sure to take it easy on him love. He's not exactly the fastest in the universe when it comes to relationships."

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