Chapter 5 Morning Sickness and Food Cravings

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I woke up feeling sick like I was going to throw up. I hoped out of the bed, running to the bathroom barley making it to the toilet. I emptied my already empty stomach as brick came in holding my hair. When I finished I could barley stand so brick had to help me up so I could brush my teeth.

"This is going to be a stupid question but are you okay?" Brick asked.

"Well I only felt like I was going to throw up, that was it..." I answered, rinsing off my tooth brush, switching around mouth wash and flushing the toilet. I spit it out and let brick brush his teeth.

"Maybe it's because you're still-" I cut him off, I didn't want him to finish that sentence and call me weak.

"Nope don't finish that sentence." He nodded and we went downstairs to start making breakfast. I made the waffles and he pulled out our orange and apple juice, peanut butter, jam, syrup and whip cream in a can. I dished the waffles on two separate plates and we ate, I ended up eating 6 waffles with peanut butter and syrup.

"Wow that's a lot bloss, you sure your feeling fine?" Brick asked feeling my head.

"Perfect just really hungry, I guess." I was confused myself but ignored it and got up as the door bell rang.

I went to it, opening it to see bubbles, "Hey blossom!" She smiled.

"Hey Bubs, what brings you here so early?" I asked, noticing she was all alone.

"Remember we're going to the mall or did you forget?" She giggled.

"Crap yeah sorry, I gotta get changed, come in while I hurry and get ready." She nodded heading to the couch, "Uh I think we have some waffles left, go ahead and eat if you want, I'll be down in 10 minutes or so."

I ran upstairs, jumping in the shower, brushing my teeth and after I put on black skinny jean, pink thin sweat shirt and all black vans. I put half my hair up and half down, putting on red lip stick, mascara then grabbed my phone and put some money in my pocket. I ran down stairs, "Ready?" Bubbles asked.

"Yeah, let me say bye to brick." I told her going to his office. I knocked before opening the door, "I'm heading out with bubbles and before you say anything she's here in case you wanna check."

He made his way to me, cupping my face connecting our lips, "Okay just, just be safe."

"Aren't I always?" Making him smirk at me, "Okay I will, love you." I lightly kissed him.

"Love you too." He said letting me walkout.

Bubbles and I head out to her baby blue little beetle, this was the perfect car for her personality to be honest. We spent the day shopping till my stomach growled, "Hey can we go to the food court I'm starving."

"Yeah sure, give me a second." Bubbles came out of the dressing room, in her white pants, baby blue long sleeve and dark blue Uggs. "What do you feel like eating?" I thought for a minute, everything sound amazing then pizza, then pasta, then Chinese then a burger with fry's.

"Um lets just get Wendy's." she nodded and we stepped in line, "I can order while you find a table."

"Sure, I want the chicken salad."

She left to find a table and I stayed in line, "Hello welcome to Wendy's what would you like to eat today?" A teenaged girl asked.

"Can I get 2 chickens salads, 5 Jr. double bacon cheese burgers, 2 large fry's and 3 frosty's." To be honest everything on the menu sounded amazing.

Her eyes went wide and she nodded, "Okay that'll be 32.76, you're numbers 236, I'll call you when your orders ready." I gave her the money letting her keep the change.

I walked over to bubbles, sitting across from her, "Were number 236 and I'll need help carrying the food." She nodded, confused but didn't say anything.

We talked about how Bailey was already doing tons of art and how they hung it everywhere and how she's been interested in clothes design. "Number 236 you're orders ready, number 236."

We grabbed the bags and frosty's, when we went back to our seats blade was sitting at our table, seeming ticked off by something, "Bubbles do you see him too?" I whispered.

She gulped, "Unfortunately yes..." He looked over at us, smiling at me till he looked down at my stomach frowning. He faded away again making us sigh in relief, "Lets eat and get out of here."

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Bubs." We ate finishing in 12 minutes tops and headed back home, I started feeling extremely tried.

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