Chapter 11 Powerless

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"Which room Blossom?!" Blade snapped as they checked all the rooms.

"You really think I'd tell you?! You're an even bigger id-" My words got cut off as his hand smacked across my face.

I looked up glaring at him, "Respect, learn it." He demanded.

I put my hand protectively on my stomach, "You don't deserve any respect, Blade!"

"Oh my dear Blossom," he grabbed my chin, forcing me to face him, "You are going to have to learn... TAKE HER TO THE CAR, WE'LL GET THOSE BRATS!" He yelled as some guy I've never seen before, pulled me outside and put me in the back of one of the two black S.U.V. They can not find those kids! I would've pulled the phone out but the guy was sitting right next to me.

Not even five minutes later everyone came out, without the kids. I breathed out a sigh of relief but my small ounce of hope was taken from me as smoke started to exit the house. The car filed and they started to drive down the street. My heart pounded and my eyes burned as tears raced down my cheeks.




I groaned as I held my hand to my head in agony.

"You okay, sweetheart, sleep well?"

I smiled lightly to myself, Brick's home, everything's okay. "Just a nightmare, it felt so real, I'm just glad it's not..."

I heard him chuckle, weird usually Brick doesn't chuckle at these sort of things... I sat up, glancing around the room, where am I exactly?...

"I'm glad it was just a nightmare for you." His voice was rough and deep, this isn't Brick..

I snapped my neck up, seeing low and behold Blade... Fuck!

I held my stomach protectively, "What did you do to those kids, Blade?!"

He smirked at me, "The ravenette has or should I say had a big mouth on him. I'm guessing he's Butch and Buttercup's kid. While the blonde just cried! She was obviously Boomer and Bubbles kid, Bubbles was always a crybaby! But the brunette, took me a mintue to figure out who he belonged to. Now he has potential, seeing as how his mother was a criminal and his father well, you know. I decided to keep him but as for the others, it felt nice to see them go up in flames."

"You SON OF A BITCH!" I screamed, ready to go over and rip him in two but was stopped by something.

He laughed at me, making his way over, "Guess I've gained a few new powers, and seeing as you don't have any, well I suggest you do as I say."

I glared at him, but inside I was freaking out. How was I going to get out of this? How could I do that to those kids? Wasn't I suppose to be the superheroine?

I've, I've failed...

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I'm sorry it's short and has been well a long time since I've updated this story but I plan to finish it soon!

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