Swan Song at Dawn

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Somewhere in the city, Eda was walking alone while there is a roadblock from beho made her way to a phone booth and starts calling Revy who she eventually picked up the phone answered.


"Revy. The cops are on the move." Eda informed. "Looks like half the force is here. They're setting up roadblock behind me. Apparently it's the Verrocchio family. Something happened to their place."

There was then no answer which Eda then starts to raise her voice as they're running out of time.


"I know." Revy finally replied. "Now can you stop shouting in my ear? So, where are we meeting up?"

"Joey got a room at the Palcana Square. Now hurry your ass up!"

Back in the hideout of Hotel Moscow, everyone are gathered in a briefing room and are wearing Russian Special Forces combat uniforms that they wore during the invasion of Afghanistan and carrying their weapons. Nathaniel is too wearing the same combat uniform as he is one of them and is carrying an SVD Dragunov fitted with PSO-1 scope. When Balalaika and Boris entered the room and got in front of the men as they stand behind a plan board, Boris grabbed all their attention.

"Все подразделения, внимание! (All units, attention!)"

The men stood up attention for their commanding officer include Nathaniel. Balalaika gives out a deep sigh and then spoke to her soldiers.

"Товарищи. Раньше сегодня вечером было нападение на семью Верроккио. Однако это ничего не меняет. Мы начинаем нашу миссию прямо здесь и сейчас! Мои смелые товарищи. Как вы знаете, Частный Сахаров и Капрал Меньшов были незаменимыми братьями по оружию. Нам приходится зажечь свечи за их души. Пусть наши пушки оскорбят их убийц. Наши Калашниковы будут их судьей. Мы разорвем их плоть стрельбой (Comrades. Earlier tonight, there was an assault on the Verrocchio Family. However, this changes nothing. We commence our mission right here and now! My brave comrades. As you know, Private Sakharov and Corporal Menshov were irreplaceable brothers-in-arms. It falls to us to light the candles for their souls. Let our guns rain down a terrible vengeance upon their killers. Our Kalashnikovs will be their judge. We'll tear apart their flesh with the gunfire of our AK-47s!)"

Balalaika's men raised their rifles and gives out their war cry as they cheered as they're ready for a war to avenge their fallen.

Nathaniel stood there and watch Balalaika's power. While everyone are leaving, Nathaniel was about to leave until he was stopped.

"Nathaniel...a moment please." Said Balalaika.

Nathaniel gives a nod walked up to her.

"What would you like me to do, Ms. Balalaika?" Nathanael questioned.

"You'll have a special assignment." Balalaika answered. "You will be with me and you will be the one to pull the trigger to kill these brats, after all, this is like a cat and mouse game...which is why this needs to end."

Before Nathaniel leaves, he ask her one more question,

"Forgive me if i crossed the line...but are you sure this is necessary to kill two children?"

Balalaika and even Boris was surprised that Nathaniel actually questioned her...especially when he questioned about killing the one who are responsible for murdering her men.

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