Lock'n Load Revolution

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"-unmitigated tragedy. Sources at the scene tells us that not much remains of the embassy. What we know so far is that thirty-seven embassy employees have been killed and another one-hundred and fifty were wounded. The DRC military is currently continuing with its rescue efforts. Directly following the bombing, a terrorist organization calling themselves "the protectors of the Islamic front" have claimed responsibility for the bombing."

In Revy's apartment, her room is a mess. Bullet holes close to everywhere, on the floor are used cigarettes, beer and alcohol bottles and bullet shells. In bed is Revy herself sleeping peacefully while only with her black tank top and her white undies plus her radio is next to her but her earphones are out from her ear. Suddenly opening

"This room is filthy..." Rock muttered in disgust after he scanned the room and then started to call out Revy. "Revy are you gonna sleep all day? We have a job. Dutch says it's an emergency."

Revy was starting to wake up but haven't opened her eyes but started talking weakly.

"That you, Rock?"

"Yeah it's me." Said Rock as he starts to walk up to Revy. "I guess it's a last minute request. His exact words were 'Wake her the hell up!' So I ran down from the office."

Rock starts pulled the string for the blinds to let the sun in by reaching across Revy. Which caused Revy to wake up better.

"Goddamn it." Revy muttered as she lift her body up and started yawning before talking to Rock. "This job...who's it from?"

"Mr. Chang. You know, from the Triad." Rock answer as he gave Revy a cigarette into her mouth and lit it.

In the room of the Lagoon Company's Office was Aaron, Benny, Dutch who is making coffee and the triad leader, Bai Ji-Shin Chang along with his men. Mr. Chang is a near-middle-aged Chinese man and is the boss of a Thailand branch of the Sun Yee On Triad. His jet-black hair is always swept to the right and held in place by a light coating of gel and he is dressed with a trench coat which is a graphite color whereas his three-piece suit is just a deep grey with a blue tint. He wears a white muffler around his neck, but it doesn't wrap all the way around as he just lets it hand over his shoulders. His loafers are custom-made and meant for comfort and silence. His most trademark piece of clothing is his teardrop sunglasses. His eyes cannot be seen through them, as they are pitch black. However, thanks to modern glass-tinting techniques, he can see through them as if they were not there. Chang is always seen with a cigarette in his mouth, and his brand is a cheap one. Chang is sitting on the couch relaxing and was being a bit bothered.

"I've been waiting for quite a while now." Said Chang. "What do I have to do to get a cup of coffee around here? Honestly Dutch, is this what you call 'service'?"

"It's my mistake for not knowing we were running a café." Said Dutch. "You do know why I own a torpedo boat don't you Mr. Chang?"

"Dutch, now that's just cold. Our place just burned down and we came straight here. I'd say the very least you could do is offer us a cup of coffee."

"That's some bad luck Mr. Chang. I hear you lost half the building."

"Yeah, I got to say they hit us hard."

"Was it the Russians?"

"Nah, that's impossible. We've always been very friendly with Ms. Balalaika and company."

Chang then turns to Aaron and spoke to him.

"Just curious...how did you become a member to Lagoon Company?"

"Balalaika put me here when I first arrived here in Roanapur while I was a hired-help. Said that I'm useful for Lagoon Company."

"Interesting. What Balalaika and Dutch says about you are true. Also you look quite familiar...have we met?"

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