(2) surprised

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It's been an year since I've had bad grades, and the struggle I put was more than my body could handle. I really don't care, my life was terrible, I am not happy but at least I am not hurting people around me.

I finally feel as I am allowed to have a crush. Last year I felt so worthless I forced myself from having a crush. I have had a feeling for him since middle school, his name was Skyler. He has the most beautiful smile that my heart aches when I see him.

I feel as if he's started to like me back. I started to take Harmone pills(a/n dunno if that's a thing) to get rid of my acne and I like the end result. I've lost weight from not eating properly because of the need to study.

I just feel great at when I am with Skyler. He was in my study group and he is funny, intelligent, and nice. Whenever I get humiliated in class he would comfort me and that made me like him.

I hope I have a great relationship someday, I really try my best but it is so hard not to show it. I wish I could confess to him but, it is so hard when you are still trying to gain your self-esteem. I hope I never lose him.

Skyler's pov-
I've really liked y/n since I have met her. I know what she goes through because my sister talks to me about self-esteem about grades. I wish I could confess.

I think the what I liked most about her is the hard work she put in. She used to get embarrassed in of the class all the time and it just disappeared! I think if I do not confess tommorow there will never be a chance. I am a man and I could do it!

Y/N pov-
(next day)
Today I was getting ready for school. My eyes were tired because I stayed up till 3am. It was worth it. I actually feel excepted when I get what I want.

I went to math not feeling the knot in my stomach like I was held back by something. Today I feel different and amazing. I know today is going to be a great day.

Today in math we are switching seats. I just hope I don't sit next to Wang! He is the smartest and always  talks about how good his grades are. He makes my self-esteem low.

When I saw who I sat next to I was so shocked... It was Skyler!!!!! 😁 he sat next to me and I could smell his cologne. My breath was taken away when I saw his sparkling eyes, his sharp jawline and his symmetrical face structure, just perfect.

Skyler: Hey Y/N...
Y/N: um... Hi..

I could feel my cheeks get hot, my hands were shaking ,my heart was pumping harder, my blood rushed, and the sweat I felt my body was producing. Dude this boy knows how to make me feel nervous.

Skyler:Y/N I don't know how to ask this but could I go on a date with you?

My hearted skipped. I did not want to embarrass my self in class but this was a different type of embarrassment .I tried my best to respond but I stumbled a lot.

Y/N: S-Skyler...uh..I wa-would...la-l-love too!
Skyler:Are you okay?
Y/N:Yes I am just so nervous
I spoke clearly.

Skyler: what time?
Y/N : I will ask my mom and dad
Skyler: Sure


It was the of the day and I called my mom and dad. I already told my sister in school. My dad picked up.

Dad: I can't come hon, could you walk home?
Y/N: dad I have a dated
Dad: really! My kiddo! Go right now I will pay ck you up at six.
Y/N: sure!!!!!!!!
Dad: bye honey! Go give daddy a kiss
I gave him A kiss and met Skyler
Y/N : hey
Skyler: So when?
Y/N: right now to six
Skyler: sure
Y/N: where are we going?
Skyler: I have a beautiful place for a beautiful girl like you could go

I blushed. He blindfolded me and and I walked with his guidance.

Y/N: Skyler are we there yet?
Skyler: just two more steps.
After two more steps he took the blindfold off and I cried from the scenery

Y/N : Skyler where are we?Skyler: My hideout!Y/N: your hideout is beautiful! You have great tasteSkyler: True, if I didn't have good taste then I would have not picked youY/N: Stop cringing me out! Skyler I forgot to ask you but why did you pick o...

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Y/N : Skyler where are we?
Skyler: My hideout!
Y/N: your hideout is beautiful! You have great taste
Skyler: True, if I didn't have good taste then I would have not picked you
Y/N: Stop cringing me out! Skyler I forgot to ask you but why did you pick of all the popular girls on you. Even the nerds like you! I am a nobody why did you pick me?
Skyler: you know what you said make me think. Let's say there are verity of foods on a table. They all look great. Some have the same colors and some have own group of tastes and some are in a group of different cuisines cuisines. I like how they look but love one of the taste of one in particular, it isn't very popular, would I care?
Y/N: of course not
Skyler: exactly Y/N! I may like how look and how they act, but you stand out in particular to me , and I would never give that up!
Skyler: I know, and I know what a hardworking girl you are, I can see your eyes, baggy. Y/N could I tell you something. There is an easy way to learn things. if you have interest in something you love most you will do anything .
It was true. I did all this hard work for my mom and dad. It all made sense.
Skyler: do you want to go it is almost your curfew
Y/N: ya sure
Skyler: did you like this date?
Y/N: Best.Date.Ever.
I called my dad and he came. I said bye to Skyler and I felt loved and healed once. All the scars and cuts I had mentally were healed. It is our first meet and I am already getting addicted to him! It ever go?

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