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I feel different now, special, and not like my old self. That girl was a depressed teen who did not try. I know the definition of trying hard now. It is making sense to me who I want to become. I really like literature but I don't know what I want to be. It has been a few months since Skyler and I have been dating now, and every day I uncover something new about him, something special.

Today is the day where we take our test. After the date, I finished my homework which took me one hour, then I woke up till 1 am to study for my math test. This unit was hard, but I won't give up till I understand.

Math Teacher: "Okay guys we will be doing our math test. Everyone clear your desks!"

I did as I was instructed. She handed out the papers and I finished in ten minutes. It was incredibly easy. I feel positive and not depressed, I can feel something in me changed.

After Skyler was done with his test, he asked me if I could meet him after school. I said I will go to see him.


It was the end of the day and Skyler took me to an ice cream shop. He acted a bit weird and I thought he had a fever. I was so worried!

He said that he will join me soon because he needed to use the toilet. I looked so worried. He looked like he was going to puke.

Skyler Pov

I don't know what to say to her, she looks so pretty with the dress I gave her and I just can't look into her eyes. I don't want my plan to go to waste.

I wanted to say three freaking words I love you. I got the bracelet for her. I know I am young but we had been dating for about six months. I really like her. She seems so happy with me and she says I am the only person who makes her that way, I just don't know.


He came out of the bathroom, looking better. I just can't get over his manly features. So perfect. He went over to me and said what ice cream I want and I said (Your favorite ice cream flavor.) He ordered a lava cake with vanilla ice cream. 

Skyler: Hey Y/N, can I say something crazy                                                                                                         Y/N: Aren't you crazy enough                                                                                                                              Skyler: Yes but this is way more crazy!                                                                                                                         Y/N: What is it                                                                                                                                                                         Skyler: I LOVE YOU

Those words i just could not comprehend!!!!

Skyler: Do you?                                                                                                                                                                       Y/N: OF COURSE!

We just looked at each other and he looked at my lips, biting his lips. I just couldn't resist. I pulled him closer to me and kissed him. He responded and we were just so lost in each others worlds. I realized how much I loved him.

He is the brightest thing that ever happened to me, like the light of my darkness from inside. I just do not know what to do. Even if he just said I love you I still feel as if he is to good for me. He is the best thing that happened to me though. I will never give him up for anything.

We ate our ice creams, and I realized what kept me going on. It was him. He stood up when I was getting ashamed. He was the one who helped me with life. I need him. I could not live a life without him.

He then dropped me off home and I told my sister and parents everything. They all gave me their blessing and made me happy. This is the weirdest feeling, but for a change she liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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