Who Is This Girl

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The clarity hit me like a bucket of ice water as I pulled out and went to flush the condom. I cleaned myself up as best I could and began to slip my clothes on as Lia, Lisa, Linda, or maybe Linnie lay collapsed on her bed. I had purposely tuned out her name during our introductions because I had no need for it for the brief time I planned to spend with her. She rolled on her side and looked up at me how all the girls did with these sad pathetic attempts at puppy dog eyes, but her blinks were beginning to get slowly and longer letting me know she was going to be out soon, thankfully because I did not want to argue with this girl. "Aren't you going to stay?" She asked softly as I checked the clock on her wall. It was already 1:50 in the afternoon and I needed to beat traffic. "No." I simply grabbed the keys from her nightstand and closed her bedroom door behind her. She pouted, but that wasn't my concern.

Luckily, I was able to shoot straight home barely missing traffic. I needed to hurry and take a shower because I had to pick up my niece Zariah from school since her dad, my oldest brother, was out of town. I saw Angelo's, my third oldest brother, car in the garage so I knew he was still home. I walked in and heard the TV in the living room on. "I'm home," I called out to see where he was as I took my shoes off and put them on the rack. "Kitchen." He called back. I went to the kitchen and saw him at the stove cooking. I looked over at the island slightly confused by my niece sitting there with her head down nursing a ginger ale. "Oh, il mio piccolo cuore what's wrong?" I went to kiss her head (my little heart).

"She got sent home from school today, Gianni had called me to get her because he was already 2 hours out and couldn't get back. I took her to the doctor and looks like someone caught the stomach flu at school. We will be playing nurse to get her better." He explained.

"Oh yeah, you are burning up Z. You have to drink this." I nudge the soda to her and she shook her head. "Did you throw up?" She nodded. "Are you afraid to throw up again?" She nodded again. "Well here, the trash is right by you, so if you need to throw up aim for here. We have to get something in your system though okay? It looks like Uncle Angelo is making some broth like Nonna would. Until that is done you go lay on the couch with your cartoons. I am going to go shower and when I'm done I'll be right back down for you okay? We can watch movies in my room." I stroked her rosy warm cheek. I lifted her off the stool and watched her drag a bucket to the couch with her. I felt bad for her because she looked like she didn't feel well. The poor thing was going to be miserable for the next several days. Once she was out of ear shot Angel smirked and covered the pot. "What was this one's name?"

"Lacy, Lola, Lodi?" I chuckled.

"That is the umpteenth one this week. How do you still not remember their names? I'm getting you a Sharpie for Christmas so you can write their names on your hand." He teased.

"That's a great idea." I laughed.

"When your dick falls off do not come crying to me. We all know it's all you have to offer to women. Some may even say it's your best quality." He sipped his coffee.

"All I have to offer? Best quality? Big brother I am hurt." I placed my hand over my chest as I went to get water from the fridge. "I am an amazing person."

"You're an asshole. Everyone knows it, even all the Zia's. They're like our little Lorenzo is an asshole, but he's just a baby." He rolled his eyes. "Anyway who has a booty call at noon."

"I'm feeling attacked now."

"Go back and finish your degree, Roman. You're too smart to be this bored and dumb. You have the potential for good." I knew he was being serious now. I love Angelo and living with him was great. We respected each other's boundaries and space, but sometimes he'd pull the big brother car and give me these speeches about me having potential and wasting time on girls. "I know Angelo, can you hand me another water please?" I held my hand out.

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