Sting x Reader | Don't Tell Me What To Do

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It's been a while since the Grand Magic Games. That's where we met Sabertooth. The guild that took our number one spot while we were gone for 7 years. I was one of the many that was gone for 7 years. I was, as well as the others, way behind on my music dragon slayer magic. We went to train for a while at the beach (SPOILERS DON'T LOOK PAST THIS PART IF YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN PAST EPISODE 161 AT LEAST UNLESS YOU LIKE SPOILERS) but Lucy's celestial spirits tricked us into going into the celestial spirit world for a celebration.

It was great, except that 3 months passed while we were gone for a day in the celestial spirit world. So much for training. Anyway, we were participating in the Grand Magic Games when I got put up against the cockiest guy I've ever met. That's right. Sting Eucliffe. He got on the battle field and I reluctantly trudged out there, not because I thought I was going to lose. There was no way in hell that I was going to lose to him. I was so reluctant because he's Sting. He's going to be annoying and cocky the entire time.

I hated people like him, but when he saw who I was, he wouldn't stop staring at me. His cheeks flushed, and he looked at me like I just murdered 27 people. I had to admit, my cheeks did heat up a bit, but I brushed it off and rolled my eyes at him. "Are you okay? You're looking at me like I just killed a ton of people." I asked, annoyed. "W-What? I'm fine! What are you talking about?" He stuttered. I raised my eyebrows due to my amusement. "Alright. Whatever you say, Firefly." "F-Firefly?" He questioned. "Fireflies produce light. You're a light dragon slayer, are you not?" "I am. That's a stupid nickname anyway." "That was the entire point of it." I sighed. "Participants, get ready... Begin!"

Knowing that he wouldn't, I took the first charge. I used my music dragon claw and it just barely missed. Knowing he would think I was open, I immediately pulled back and dodged his attack. I used my music dragon roar, which was deafening. Sting figured that out pretty quickly after covering his ears and crying in agony. It was my chance to strike. I could hear my comrades cheering me on. I used my music dragon talon which I totally didn't learn from Natsu, but he dodged it. This went back and forth for the 30 minutes and it ended in a draw. I was left breathless and so was Sting. That was the best fight I've had in a while. "YOU TWO WERE EVEN?!" Natsu was clearly confused. "Did you underestimate me?" I glared at Natsu for that statement. "U-Um no.."

I could be as scary as Erza sometimes, but that's only when I want to be.
Back to present time, I couldn't stop thinking about how Sting looked at me before the actual fight. What was up with him? He clearly hadn't heard of me, so why was he so surprised? As far as I know, he was supposed to be very cocky but that's not what I saw. I'll probably never know. I shouldn't let it bother me. "Something on your mind, (Y/N)?" Mirajane asked. "Sort of. I was thinking about how Sting looked at me before our battle in the Grand Magic Games. Did you see it too?" I asked. "Oh, you mean when he looked at you like you were a ghost?" "Yeah, then. I don't get it. He clearly hadn't heard of me before. His cheeks were even flushed." "I think I get it." Mira smirked. "What is it? Tell meee..." I begged. "He'll just have to tell you himself." She looked at me with a sinister smile. I looked at her, confused. At that moment the guild door burst open. "IS A (Y/N) HERE?" A red exceed asked. "Um yeah. Over here." I called and raised my hand, "What do you want?" "Come with me please." He commanded. "Why should I? Who are you?" "JUST DO IT."

I got up and walked with the exceed. He led me to a tree that was a fair distance away from the guild. "Wait here." He commanded. "Don't tell me what to do." I mumbled as I crossed my arms and leaned against the tree. A few moments later, the exceed returned with Sting. I looked at them, amused. Was he serious? "(Y/N)..." Sting shyly mumbled. "Sting." I returned. "Great, now you can tell her!" The exceed slipped up. "Tell me what?" I raised my eyebrows. "U-Uh... That um... You're..." Sting tried to get the words out, but he couldn't quite manage it. "I'm.. what? Is the cocky dragon slayer from SABERTOOTH getting a little tongue twisted?" I teased. "What? O-Of course not.." He trailed off. "STING, TELL HER OR I WILL." The exceed threatened. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit, but I ignored it.

Sting cleared his throat and said with a little more confidence. "(Y/N), you're my mate." "I'm... your what?" I asked, genuinely confused. "My mate. You know, the person I should spend the rest of my life with." "..." I didn't know what to say but. "How do you know?" "Well, I get really shy whenever I'm around you, you smell really good, and my cheeks flush just at the thought of you." "...Oh." Was all I could manage to get out. I was his MATE? Mate..? That's a weird word. Mate.

Person I should spend my entire life with... Pssh. My thoughts were cut off by Sting wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to his chest. "Now that you know, I'm claiming you. Right now." "Oh. Okay." Really? Just an 'Okay'?
He bit my neck and it hurt at first, but I did the same to him against my will. It's not like I had any other choice. "So, how about a date?" He smirked. "Sure thing, Firefly." I retorted. "Don't call me that." "Don't tell me what to do."


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