〖5〗Gajeel x Reader | Iron Hearts

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[Your POV]

I was walking around Fairy Tail, hoping to find Gajeel. I found a job and I wanted him to join me on it. I mean after all, we do make a good team. An iron dragon slayer and a natural element wizard. Meaning metals, gasses, etc. I can control all of that, including fire, air, water, and earth. I was pretty powerful, and it helped when it came to missions. "Gajeel!" I called out. Where is that idiot? I heard a harmonica sound play and we all looked at the stage. I saw Gajeel sitting on stage with a harmonica, microphone, and guitar. The whole guild sweat dropped. He started to 'play' and everyone started groaning, yelling, throwing things at him. Gray walked up to me.
"You're his partner, make him stop!" Gray yelled, covering his ears. I nodded. "Everyone get out of the way!" I screamed. They ran out of my path. "Fire storm!" A tornado made of fire went to Gajeel and made him stop.

He looked around, very mad. He threw down his guitar and tore his hat off. He took his sunglasses and glared at everyone. Everyone looked slightly scared. I rolled my eyes. "Who did it!" Gajeel yelled. "Natsu!" I scoffed at how he always accused Natsu if it was fire. "It was me and you know that. Natsu's an idiot but he's not that stupid." I said, blocking his path. He looked at me, gave me one of his wicked smiles, than back off. "There we go. Just calm down. Now let's go. I got us a job and we need to leave now." I grabbed his wrist and dragged him outside of the guild. I continued to drag him to the train station. "So, what is this job?" He asked.

I handed him the flyer. "So, we're supposed to take out some thieves." I nodded. It was a group of thieves that have been hoping from town to town and we had to take them out for good. He smirked. "That sounds like fun." "We'll be camping tonight though." Every time we go on a mission we never make it back to the guild that night. So, we always brought sleeping bags. He nodded, and he left the guild. I ran to Mira to show her. She nodded and wished us luck. I ran after Gajeel. "You don't even know where you're going!" He stopped and waited. I ran up to him and we started walking to the train station. "We'll be there in an hour." "So, what are we supposed to do until then huh?" He asked, clearly bored. "You can get the energy you need." I said making iron appear in front of him. He started eating it, looking out the window.

I sighed and started creating figurines out of the elements. When we finally arrived to the town, we went to the client-the Mayor. He demanded that these thieves be put to an end so that the people of Fiore won't have to worry about anymore robberies. We started wondering around town. "There." I pointed. We ran towards them and I put up an earth wall, blocking their path. "Gajeel." He nodded and smirked. He used his Iron Dragon Roar and knocked them all out. We started dragging their bodies to the nearest police station. They were automatically put into cells and we went to the client's home.

We reported to them what happened, and they paid us a huge amount. We started heading back when it started to grow dark. "We should set the campsite here." Gajeel said. I nodded and pulled out the sleeping bags. I went out and started collecting fire wood. I heard something and looked around, suspicious. I held the wood pieces in my arms and started heading back, looking around carefully. I hoped no one was stalking me. I continued walking when someone grabbed me and knocked me out.

I slowly woke up, head burning with pain. I looked around, trying to find where I was. I was in an abandoned cabin, tied to a chair. I tried casting a simple fire spell, but it wouldn't work. I tried a water spell to make the ropes easier to cut, it didn't work. I tried casting over spells, tried using different elements, but nothing worked. "Magic ropes. Damn it." I muttered under my breath. "(Y/N), it's been a while since I've seen you." I know that voice. 'Red.' "What the hell are you doing here? What do you want from me?" I hissed. He smirked. "To get back with you of course. You dumped me for no reason, I just want to prove I'm worthy. But you wouldn't let me, so I took the chance I had." He said.

I glared at him. "This was two years ago Red. Two freakin' years! You expect me to forgive you? You cheated on me. You lied to me. You abused me! I had every damn right to break up with you. You are just desperate to try and get me back." I yelled. He slapped me. Hard. I held back my tears; I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. "You should rot in hell Red." He smirked. "You come join me." He said, stabbing me in the chest. I screamed, tears pouring down my face. I felt warm, sticky blood start pouring out of my chest. The oxygen stopped flowing to my brain, I couldn't think. My vision was going out of focus.

The last thing I saw was metal punching Red and getting untied. "(Y/N), (Y/N) wake up." My eyes slowly opened, and I saw Gajeel looking at me. I sat up, wincing in pain. "Easy, you nearly died." "I have an iron steel heart Gajeel. It'll take more than a knife to kill me." I said. He looked at me. "You need to be careful." "Because I might get killed?" I asked. He nodded. "Then I better do what I've been scared to do." "What's that?" He asked. I moved closer to him and kissed him. He slowly kissed back before we both drew back. He smiled at me. "I'm going to get some more firewood cause quite frankly I'm worried you're going to get yourself killed." I laughed as he walked off. 'We both have iron hearts, yet we're able to let emotions in. And he's surprisingly returning the feelings. Hearts made of Iron and Steel.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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