The Night of Drop Down Stars

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Evening finally comes to us. Everyone gets home safely, and I finally get to give my gift to Takashi. I led him to the room where we started to record our music. He walks in casually taking a seat by his guitar. He sees me go by the piano and gets a little surprised, so he moves closer to where I actually am. I start hitting a few notes then I start to sing. The entire time I sing, I look at him only looking down at the keys when I paused for a second. He had a big smile on his face which made me feel like I succeeded in turning his birthday back to his special day. I take out the envelope and give it to him. He takes it, opens it, and unfolds its contents. He looks at me not knowing if what I gave him was real.

I chuckle and after such a long silence between, not counting the song, I finally speak, "Yeah, I had this whole plan and you getting tricked was a part of it. You can look at it later though. I want you this entire night beneath me." I completely downplayed the whole situation, but a little white lie here won't hurt too much. Besides, I'll tell him the truth later. Takashi obviously reluctantly believes me but is grateful either way. In the end, it doesn't even matter because we begin the night with a kiss.


It's so strange being able to sleep what seemed an endless night after the unwelcome incident. I'm sure Takashi knew that I lied and went along with it, though I should still talk to him about it when he wakes up. I feel as if not even a miracle can make this moment last forever. His sleeping self and I aren't meant to be in this lifetime. Having this love... It's been a long time sine I've felt a connection like this. Takashi isn't her... I'll do whatever it takes to keep it - to keep him. I won't see his back to me. I know I won't. I won't let the curtain fall on my heart again. As I thought though, it'll take more than a miracle for me to just have his sleeping face for the day because my gaze is interrupted by his phone notifications. Takashi is still asleep not budging with all the dings going off, after all it was a pretty long night. I knew it had to be that stalker of his, most likely our former clown performer. I take Takashi's phone and realize it's actually a lot earlier than I thought. Five A.M. and he's getting these random messages? Maybe it's just that - wait what the hell?! They all read of a night of deceit. This strange man is so delusional thinking Takashi cheated on him. I don't know if they were ever together, but I think I would know if any of my staff was in a relationship with each other. It's not uncommon to see relationships blossom in the workplace, especially if we see each other not as co-workers but as family. I don't recall ever hearing him say he was with anybody all the years he's been with us, not to mention he's told me he's liked only me this whole time. To think unrequited love could turn a human so desperate as to stalk and even try to kill him all because Takashi's not with him. Well it doesn't matter now. I need to wake him up immediately because these texts suggest he watched us all night. That's absolutely disgusting. I hate that neither of us was able to sense a glare. This is partially my fault for going through with romance not prioritizing our safety. What was I thinking? With my sigh I put my hand on my forehead and drop the phone. The plop surprisingly woke him up.

"Yoshi? What are you doing up so early," he asks groggily. 

I sigh once more, "Takashi get ready. We need to go with the others. Your phone was blowing up with those weird messages again."

"Are you serious? I blocked everything I could... How can he find more new numbers to get into contact with me," he questions while getting up, finding his clothes in the moonlight. 

"I don't know. Right now what matters is getting out of here safely. It's still somewhat dark out, so it might be a bit dangerous just to go out with no plan. Plus, I read some of those messages. It seems he was watching us all night. It's like he was waiting for the right time when we were asleep to catch us off guard."

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