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As Papyrus and G led Frisk down the hallway, she was mesmerized by all the intricate artwork handing on the walls of each hallway.

This time she didn't see then in a blur. There was time to look at each one, the artists work beaming with beauty.

One flight of stairs down.

More paintings.

She noticed a painting as she passed by, and turned her head to look at it.

The painting had a background gradient of gray to white. A pale woman with black hair that cascaded down her shoulders was painted on the canvas, with a slight smile so detailed you had to get real close to see the brush strokes.

Although she couldnt get close enough before she had passed it, the image of the painting stayed perfect as a snapshot in her mind, and she closed her eyes, letting G's gentle hand guide her down another flight of stairs.

Two flights left.


Each painting had it's own meaning; it's own personal value and desire.

I wish I could paint like that.

All my paintings are stuck up in my closet.

Frisk snapped back into the reality she was trapped in as the two skeletons and the human girl stopped stepping down steps and now were walking on the ground floor.

The paintings lessened.

Frisk gasped for breath, then continuing on as they got to the hallway that led them to the giant doors of the main dining hall.

"Here, after you m'lady." G held open the dining hall door, and Frisk smiled, walking through.

Her mother waited by her chair, her 3' heels making a loud click sound everytime they tapped impatiently on the ground.

"Hello ma'am. I'm sorry for causing you, father and the royal household to wait." Frisk apologied, bowing her head.

Her mother placed a hand on her hip, her face turning from disapproval to a scowl as she sashayed over to her daughter.

"Turn around." Her mother ordered, whipping Frisk around herself.

A loud sigh escaped her mother's mouth, and her mother shook her head.

"Oh god, you useless child. Your corset has been loosened." Her mother smacked Frisk upside the head, and G flinched, watching with pity and intrest.

"I-Im.... sorry ma'am- ack!" Frisk yipped as her mother pulled the corset tighter then it was in the first place.

"M-ma'am... I cannot breathe..." Frisk wheezed, holding her tiny stomach. "Quiet, you imbecile." Her mother snapped her fingers, pointing at G.

Dr. Gaster gestured to Frisk, and G nodded, helping her to her seat.

"Hey, you alright?" He whispered as he helped her sit down next to him. She shook her head, holding in her breath as she squeezed her eyes and adjusted her back.

"Alrighty then..." King Asgore nervously said, everyone's eyes turning to him.

"I hope you enjoy." He raised his hands, chefs and servants flooding in with an assortment of foods, some Frisk had never even seen.

Twenty minutes in, after drinking about three teaspoons of water, Frisk's vision started going blurry. She swayed back and forth, her eyes starting to roll back into her head.

Chara stared at her helpless sister, pushing herself up, standing semi-loudly.

"Chara? What are you doing?" Asriel asked, watching as she briskly walked over to Frisk, pulling her up. "Excuse us, but Frisk needs to use the ladies room." Chara lied, giving a little wave as she rushed out, Frisk's body going limp in her arms.

G got up, steadying himself and running out after them. "My my.... I hope that poor girl is all right..." Queen Toriel whispered to her husband, who nodded fearfully as he stared at Frisk's fuming parents.

Her mother placed her hand on the table, pushing her food aside and tapping her fingernails on the table.

"Chara! Is she okay?" G asked, rushing after them. "She's unconscious." Chara sat Frisk down on a waiting chair in the hallway, feeling her forehead.

G stooding next to her and checked her pulse, his eye sockets widening. "What's wrong?" Chara asked, placing her hand on Frisk's chest.

"Shes not breathing well; loosen the corset." G instructed, and Chara undid part of Frisk's dress, loosening the corset, then buttoned up Frisk's dress again.

Frisk's mouth made a sharp inhaling motion, and Frisk shot awake, breathing heavily and holding her chest.

"Frisk!" The two yelled in unison, Chara pulling her up in a hug. G stood behind Chara, staring at Frisk's heavy eyelids.

"You okay...?" He asked, as Frisk slumped into Chara. Frisk nodded, closing her eyes as her lips parted slightly.

"Thank you for your help Sans. We are leaving now." Chara told him, leaving down the steps of the palace, helping Frisk into an awaiting carriage.

G cringed at his name, standing at the entrance of the palace.

"What am I supposed to tell your parents?!" G yelled, cupping his hands to make the noise louder.

"Make something up!" Chara yelled back, getting in the carriage and signaling the driver.

G nodded and waved, leaning against the outside wall of the palace, striking a cigarette aflame as the carriage started moving out of view, placing it in his mouth.

Bye sweetheart.


Well well, we meet again.

Wassup yall.


"My meeting with Mr. G... it's all over the paper."

Twirling Love Fingers. (G!Sans x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now