Why must I be tagged during my winter break.
7Captain_Levi7 tagged meOkay 10 things about me let's go.
1. I'm a former Voltron fan and currently in the Dragon Prince fandom
2. I am the 5th child in my family
3. I'm in the LGBTQ+ community (Lesbian)
4. My internet name "Ren" is the first 3 letters of my middle name
5. I am currently learning how to speak Irish and German
6. I played soccer for almost 8 years
7. My birthday is February 10
8. I am a twin to __Joestar__
10. I listen to Mafumafu, Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, and many other artist
(Here's a song from Mafumafu I like)
Why did the chicken cross the road. To get to the little bitch's house.
Knock Knock. (Who's there) The chicken
I have no spoilers for any of my stories on here
Tags: (I'm only tagging 2 people cuz I just woke up)