A big call

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   Emily Marie... Emily lives in Pennsylvania... She lives with her dad... Her bestfriend is her cousin.. Carmen Magnolia who's in LA going to college to be an author, Everything was going just as planned untill she got a call from a big school in LA.. Which happens to be the one shes been wanting to get into..  You see Emily dances.. She loves to dance but shes never danced for public before but her cousin took a video of her and the school saw it.  They found out who she was and Called her right away.. since shes still in high school she doesnt get to go to the school yet but they want to meet her... So before bnb she new it she was packing her stuff and getting ready to head to LA

   Carmen Magnolia... Carmen lives in La where she is going to school... Shes from Pennsylvania but moved to La to pursue her career... She has friends in La but not close friends..  Her cousin is her very close friend and she hasn't seen her in almost 6 months... But right now shes cleaning the spare bedroom in her apartment for Emily who's coming in the very next day.. Little did they know what was to come for then only 24 short hours later..

   Little did they know they'd be sitting in a boys apart... a boy they had just met that same day..  little did they know they would be planning on how to get to a different boy that would soon become like a brother to one of the girls... Little did they know in just 3 short days they were going to meet 5 people who would soon become there bestfriends.. But slow down because theres lots to happen before then... You know that... but they dont....

*WOAH I jut wrote that.. wow... Like wow..  Hope you liked it..

Lots to come in this book and I cant wait to share it with you guys.. Ily all so much💟*

word count- 340

Let me be your hero- A dorbyn storyWhere stories live. Discover now