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*Jonah's pov*

I walk into my little apartment in LA and sit beside my sleeping girlfriend.. Tate Daul... My beautiful girl... My baseball loving girl.. the girl of my dreams... I lay my hand on her back and kiss her head... she rolls over and looks up at me.. "Hey baby love" she whispers and I smile.. "Hey sweet girl" I say kissing her soft lips... "I have a few thing I need to do at the studio tonight but I'll be home with dinner later I promise" I say and she nods kissing my lips one last time before I get up and head out the door and down the street.. As I'm walking two girls catch my eye... A taller brown haired one about 5"7 5"8ish and around 16 17 years old and a older lighter brown haired one around 5"5 and about 19 or 20 years old... They walk down the street the older one pointing to things and they laugh... I cant help but notice one of them is wearing a Jonah Maria's T-shirt... ya see I'm into music and I do alot of covers and I even hve a few of my own songs... I've never really seen someone wearing my merch though... As I get closer to them the younger one who is wearing my shirt notices me and her blue eyes light up she looks at me and then looks at the other whispering something in her ear... Now I know what your thinking.. No I'm not crushing on these girls I have a girlfriend that I love very much... But I'm not gonn stop them from talking to me especially if one of them in a fan... The younger one takes a deep breath as they get close and then she says... "Oh my goodness your real" Her voice is soft and sweet and the way her eyes light up when she talks is fascinating.. "Your Jonah marias" she says and I nod.. "And your wearing my shirt" I say and she nods looking at the other girl.. "I'm Emily" She says "And this is my cousin Carmen she goes to school out here and I'm visiting" She says and I hug both of them.. "So I assume this is your first time in LA" I say and she nods shyly.. "what gives it away" Carmen says sarcastically while laughing... "No I just meant you seem so young and I don't think your parents are here are they" I say and she shakes her head. "No. I live with my dad in Pennsylvania and this is the only time I get to leave the house" she says and I nod.. Just as I was about to say something Emily's phone rings... "Hello" She says...

*Emily's pov*

I answer the phone and the voice on the other end worried me...

Em- Hello
Corbyn- Is this Emily
Em- Yah who's this?
Corbyn- Corbyn.. The guys that lives acrossed from your cousin..
Em- Oh hey everything ok
Corbyn- No I need help I know we just met but this is important.

He explains everything..

Em- Ok stay calm.. will be right there
Corbyn- Ok thanks Emily it means alot..

I hang up the phone and slip it into my pocket.. "Carm we gotta go" I say and explain everything Corbyn said to her... "Nice to meet you Jonah" I say

"Wait let me help... I want to help"

*Weird crappy chapter... why is jonah acting so weird... What does Corbyn need help with... does tate get mad because jonahs helping the new girl. ily guys peace*

word count- 608

Let me be your hero- A dorbyn storyWhere stories live. Discover now