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Michael took me from my seat to show me my perfect house, that I had always dreamt of. We were walking closer to it and I could just about see what my house was like. As soon as I saw it my mouth dropped open with disbelief, I couldn't believe it, it was the house I had always wanted. Thats when my Michael said, "In the good place everybody gets to live in a home that perfectly matches his or her true essence." This is why I was placed with this really big homely house because I love to help people so, if i needed to help someone they would be welcomed into my giving home. "Precisely, I'm so glad you understand." answered Michael.

After admiring the outside of my humble home, Michael took me inside to have a tour of my house. The very second we walked in I felt at peace with the world, this was truly the house of my dreams. "As you can see from the interior it has been placed just as you like it. We have given it the feeling of warmth, so any person to walk through these doors will feel like they belong here." As I turned around my eyes everted straight to the display wall. On it, it included my greatest achievements. "y/n I see you've seen your achievement wall, which I might add that I designed the whole thing, not that I would take all the credit. Most importantly I have added a huge picture of your idle...Mother Teresa!" I couldn't help but agree with him.

Michael took me over to the video system which allowed me to see past memories of myself that had happened on earth. He first showed me when I went to tones of different charities to help donate money and when I helped homeless people try to keep warm in the winter. But one thing wasn't right about this, these weren't my memories these were someone else's. For I could see myself in one of these memories. I was sitting talking to the manager of the charity whilst this person was helping someone, but I wasn't going to tell Michael this as he could send me to the bad place as I might not belong here. I'd have to keep this to myself for now.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. A man was standing outside waiting to come in. Michael enthusiastically let him in, it was like he was hiding something from me, but something good. "Hello, y/n I'm Henry your soulmate!" I didn't know what to do there was to much adrenaline pulsing through my veins so, I just ran over and hugged him. Whilst I was hugging him, it felt right, like he was the one. As soon as me and Henry had met Michael left us, so that he could attend to other people within the neighbourhood which gave us a chance to chat. 

I asked him the usual I don't know who you are questions like; where are you from and how was your life? He continued to answer in a very confused manner as in he had no clue what his life on earth was truly like. It was like he was reading a script which was really off putting. This reminded me about what had happened on the video system, something strange is going on. Now I obviously couldn't tell Henry this because he already seems a bit odd.

So I had to get out of here and try to find someone that seemed at least a bit normal around here. This is when I bumped into Chidi Anagonye. Which I learnt that he was born in Nigeria. However, he was raised in Senegal and that his work took him all over the place like Hong Kong. He speaks french but in the good place it just translates anything you say into another language that the other person can understand, which was pretty cool. Chidi also mentioned that his soulmate was Eleanor Shellstrop, the person I tried to save before we both had a very traumatic death. This lead me to think that I can totally trust this guy. So I asked, "Chidi, you'll stand by my side no matter what. Right?" He answered with a yes, thankfully. So I decided to make him promise me that he'd always keep what we say a secret. Amazingly he said yes. 

As he said yes I told him what was going on. That I wasn't supposed to be here. Unsurprisingly he totally freaked out which made me assume that he was a total control freak because of the situation we were in I told Chidi that I can help him with making decisions on things but, he didn't want any help. This was like torture for me as I'm a helpful and caring person that needed to be able to help people in need.

Although, Chidi was freaking out he told me that Eleanor had said the exact same thing to him earlier, that she wasn't meant to be here either because her house was the complete opposite of what her dream house would've looked like and the memories on the video system were no where near the same as hers. It was like they were a different persons memories. After he had told me this, we had to go find Eleanor pronto! Something was going on here and we are going to find out what.

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