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Hours later me, Eleanor and Chidi had arrived at the party. It was like the whole neighbourhood was here already but it didn't look it, as Tahani's and Jainyu's house was massive it was like a mansion. Whilst we were waiting in the reception of their house Chidi wanted to know one good thing we each did on earth. "y/n you go first" declared Chidi. " One of the best things I did on earth must of been when I helped homeless people deserve the proper care they needed." I replied. Then went Eleanor, who couldn't think of one decent thing she did whilst alive, but she could remember ignoring a man who wanted to help save the environment. This lead Eleanor to thinking that most of these people here probably didn't do anything that good either but she was so very wrong.

Later on we all gathered round in the centre of their house whilst Michael gave a giddy speech on how this is his very first neighbourhood he had designed, after being an apprentice for 200 years. Throughout the whole speech me and Eleanor stood there looking guilty as hell because Michael said that we all belonged here, where as we didn't . Eventually we had to leave because someone was getting to drunk, not to point any fingers but it was Eleanor as she drank to much wine.

When we got back to Eleanors place she began to empty out her bra that she had filled with prawns whilst at the party and continued to eat them when she got inside. Then she got in bed but asked a really sad question, "Do you think anyone cared that I died?" Obviously we said yes but she didn't really seem to care because both her parents never got along so I guess Eleanor didn't have a great childhood. Eventually she fell asleep so, we closed the door which revealed a huge clown face. It was terrifying. So me and Chidi decided to leave.

By the morning I awoke to large cracks of lighting going off outside and some sort of fireworks whizzing around. I'm also pretty sure Ariana Grande was playing as well. But that wasn't the point none of this was meant to be happening. Were suppost to be in a haven not a ladybird nesting ground. I also noticed that my outfit had changed I was now wearing yellow and blue zig zag coloured clothes. People outside were also wearing these coloured clothes and trying to run away from the many things falling out the sky. Such as massive forks and prawns. 

Eventually I decided to go outside to check what was going. Suddenly I saw Michael looked dazed and confused. So I asked what was going on. He had no idea and didn't know what to do. Behind him a few metres away stood Jainyu looking really guilty as he had something to do with what was happening. But I had to go as I saw Chidi running away from tumbling medicine bottles. Immediately I thought that this must have something to do with Eleanor because half of the stuff happening was things she mentioned last night. We had to go find her and quick!

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