Separated Siblings

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Hey new chapter! Hope y'all like it!

Lilia had been skipping through the woods with Snippy by her side when it hit her; well, not literally but met-i-phorally or whatever that word was that her brother used sometimes—she could just use her powers to get more neverberries instead of having to travel all the way down to the glade to get some. Lilia giggled at herself, deeming herself silly for not thinking of that earlier as she gathered up some dirt and drop it into the basket. She was a little confused as to why Peter didn't think of it himself though. After all, Peter thought of everything. But now that Lilia really considered it, she realized that Peter wasn't exactly acting like himself the last she talked to him. 'Maybe he's in trouble' she thought to herself. The thought scared her.

As of confirming her suspicions, Snippy like looked up at her and let out a bark to get her attention. Lilia looked down at him. "What is it Snippy?" She asked him, one hand transforming the dirt in the basket in neverberries while the other softly petted her the wolf. Snippy let out a whiney sound which caused her to frown; Snippy was telling her that he could smell other people at the camp—and they weren't the visitors they both had met earlier on.

"New people?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows in worry. The Lost Boys were at the camp. Peter was at the camp. She knew Peter almost never invited new people to the camp. They could be in danger! Lilia dreaded the thought of her brother being in danger. "Quick, we have to go back now!" She exclaimed, completely forgetting about the basket of neverberries as she and her loyal pet ran back to the camp as fast as they could.

Once approaching the camp, Lilia skidded to a stop, prompting Snippy to do the same. As it turned out, the wolf was right; in front of her brother were two men she did not recognize: one young one in a blue shirt and another old one in dark clothes and paint streaks on his face. What was more concerning, the one in the blue shirt was pointing a cross bow at her brother, directly at a place in his chest which could kill him. She could tell; Peter had taught her about each place in the body where it was fatal to get stabbed and where it wasn't. Snippy noticed this too and started to growl but Lilia quickly hushed him. She didn't want the newcomers knowing she was here just yet: she needed time to make a plan on how to save her brother.

As the three boys talked, Lilia briefly wondered where the other Lost Boys were until her eyes drifted to the ground and widened in shock upon seeing a bunch of motionless bodies on the ground—bodies of the Lost Boys. Horrified, she let out a rather loud gasp before quickly covering her mouth and ducking behind a nearby bush. She saw the man in the blue shirt glance her way for a second before deciding that there was nothing and bringing his attention back to her brother. Lilia let out he breath she was holding but she could not will herself to relax her tense shoulders. The blue shirt guy was still pointing the crossbow at her brother and the Lost Boys were passed out on the ground; or at least, she hoped they were passed out. It was better than being dead. God, Lilia hoped they weren't dead. Tears stung at her eyes at he mere thought of all of the boys that she adored being killed by two unidentified men who came to their island. Lilia wished they would just leave already. She had no idea why they were there but she didn't care either; they've caused nothing but trouble at the island and now even her brother, the strongest person she knew, was in danger. Whatever Peter was keeping from them couldn't be worth this much trouble, could it?

A second later blue shirt shot the arrow at her brother and she decided, without a doubt, that whatever it was, wasn't worth it.

It wasn't worth it at all.

Lilia clamped her hands down on her mouth to suppress a scream of fear, though she wasn't surprised when he caught it; she knew that Peter could catch an arrow easily—most lost boys could if they really tried—and she knew that her brother was practically immortal. But it still worried her to see him in harms way. He was her brother after all.

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