A Powerful and Hungry Little Girl

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Ayo! Imma keep this brief; hi. How y'all doing? Hope you doing good. Enjoy the chapter.

"Yes!" She cheered out victoriously as she took a bite out of her prize, smiling in satisfaction. Peter rolled his eyes and shook his head at her with a small smile. That girl loved food way too much.

Noticing the awestruck faces of the adults, Pan smirked at them. "Oh, did I forget to mention? Lilia has powers of her own," he said, looking down at her with a grin, "she can shift objects into other things she likes, whether by changing something similar of the sort, or creating an outline of what she wants as she did so here." He looked at her before grinning wickedly at the adults. "It's a pretty neat ability, isn't it?"

Everyone looked gobsmacked, especially Regina. Of all her years, she'd never heard of someone being able to permanently transform things without a spell. "How is this even possible..." Hook murmured, more to himself than to anyone. Pan opened his mouth to reply, but Lilia spoke first. "Erythings possble n Nevland," she said with her mouth half full. Peter snickered as he wiped a bit of fruit juice from his sister's lip with his thumb. "What she said," he told them, knowing very well that they barely comprehended what she had said.

"Well it's been fun, it really has, but I'm afraid Lilia and I have other things to attend to. Some games to play." Pan grinned down at his sister before saluting the group farewell. "Be seeing you!" He called out, turning around.

"Hold on pal, we're not done here—" Regina started, but in an instant, Pan and Lilia were gone. Grumbling curses under her breath, she turned her attention towards the rest of the group, her hands firmly placed on her hips. "How on earth does that little girl have powers?" She asked exasperatedly.

A silence fell among them before David spoke up. "I mean, she is Pan's sister...." he tried to reason, but it fell upon deaf ears. "But Pan's powers were developed from the island. And even then, the boy is hundreds of years old. How can he truly have a younger sister?" Hook questioned. "I don't know, but none of these questions are going to be answered unless we find Pan again, or the camp," Emma inputted, "we're going to have to keep moving if we want to find Henry. Don't let Pan distract us from what we came here to do. Nor his sister." "Emma's right," Regina agreed immediately. "That little shit is trying to mess sigh our minds. We need to keep going." But before she could math into the forest any further, Snow piped up. "Wouldn't it be wise to stop for the night?" She suggested. "We have been telling for a few hours. It's good to get some rest."

Though Regina heavily protested against this, the crew eventually came to a unanimous agreement to stop and make camp for the night after a couple more hours of hiking. As Emma lied down to sleep, she thought about Lilia and the events that had happened earlier on today. Though she claimed to be Pan's sister, was that even possible? How could that be true if the boy was 400 years old? And yet despite her skepticism, she had to wonder; who was this kid really?


Lilia woke up tucked into her brother's side as usual. She yawned a bit, before declaring herself fully awake. It didn't take long for her to wake up in the mornings. Once she woke, she stayed that way. Everyday she would wake bright and early in the morning, well rested and full of energy to start a new day.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for her brother.

Peter was as stubborn as the weeds that grew in Neverland's soil. He would lounge around in bed for hours, refusing to move no matter what force dared to try so. Lilia looked up at him and scowled. Though she had to admit that she did tend to wake up quite earlier than the other kids, by at least an hour, she also knew as well as the next kid did that her brother did not require nearly as much sleep as a regular being would, if any at all. He was just lazy. At least, that was Lilia's opinion of it.

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