Finding Lilia - part 2

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Hey guys new chapter here! Hope y'all enjoy (PS, probs gonna be long, ngl).

Lilia was running around the forest. She was currently playing hide and seek with Snippy, a game which they both adored. It might seem a bit odd to be playing hide and seek with your pet, but Lilia and Snippy could understand each other, and he was much smarter than regular animals. He even knew to count to 15—a good compromise between 10, which was too little of time, and 20, which is too much.

It was her wolf's turn to hide at the moment, and he was doing an impeccable job of doing so. Lilia frowned as she searched in all of Snippy's favourite places. Where could this little fur all be? Snippy was a very particular wolf, so he always hid in the places he found most comfortable; he soon became very adept to those places and started to hide around them more. This usually made it pretty easy for Lilia to find him, which she found was fair enough because she knew Snippy could always sniff her out, which was how he always ended up winning in the end, much to her annoyance. But right now, none of the places that he usually liked were occupied by the wolf itself.

She found it odd. She had officially checked all the places; where else would he....


Lilia groaned at her sudden realization and closed her eyes in annoyance. Snippy, that irritating little fuzz face, he did this all the time; whenever Lilia got too close to finding him, he would quietly dash off back to the camp, allowing Lilia to search aimlessly for him until she gave up and returned to the camp herself, only to find the smug little wolf with her brother.

The most annoying thing about this though, was that Lilia never knew when she got too close to his hiding spot. So she could be looking for her pet for hours before realizing that he was probably at the camp. Peter was never any help in this situation either, as he always refused to tell her whether or not the wolf was at the camp whenever she asked. Lilia pinched the bridge of her nose. Sometimes having a smart wolf as a pet wasn't the best thing in the world.

Sighing, Lilia started to make her way back to the camp when she heard talking in the distance. Her curiosity, as usual, got the best of her, and she followed the noise. She gasped at what she saw. Three of the visitors—all the female ones, she noticed, making her briefly wonder where the two guys went—had one of the Lost Boys ties against the tree. The blonde woman looked to be strangling him until the woman with the shorter black hair pulled her back.

They all seems to argue for a moment before she heard the words, "So I can tear his heart out!" The Lost boy suddenly looked as terrified as she felt. Widening her eyes, Lilia racked through her brain, desperately trying to remember this kids name. Oh, why did she have the worst memory when it came to remembering names? She only remember Peter's name, Felix's name, and Snippy's name; literally that was it. It was pretty pathetic and she knew that, but she never thought that she would really need to remember them—that's what she thought until she saw Devin tied to the tree however—


"DEVIN!!!" She cries out and gasped, slamming her hands to her mouth to shut herself up instantly. It was too late though. The three women were already staring in her direction. Devin himself saw her and he looked at her with warning eyes, subtly shaking his head no. Oh. If only he had done that before she ran out from behind the tree she was hiding behind.

Oh well.

"Leave him alone!" She yelled, balling her hands into fists and trying to look as intimidating as she could. Apparently it worked because the three women immediately started to back up, much to her delight. Devin looked down at her with fright; but he didn't seem to be afraid of getting his heart out anymore, because this fright was something else, Lilia could tell: she just didn't know what.

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