Chapter Twenty Seven

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Logan touches the Babygro hanging on the railing in front of him. A simple grey onesie with the words wolf pup scrawled across. Learning that Eli's pregnancy is going to be short he wanted to make sure she will be ready. He can do this for her. Whilst she's sick and growing he can do everything else. It's the least he can do for her after all the years she stood at his side. Beside him a redhead shop assistant approaches him.

"Girl or boy?" the shop assistant asks, Logan looks to her and then back to the onesie.

"I don't know yet" he answers.

"A surprise then"

"Something like that" he offers back.

"Can I help you find anything?" she asks him, Logan looks to the fabric in his hands.

"Do you have any more wolf stuff?" Logan asks holding up the onesie.

"Mom's an animal lover?" She asks.

"Something like that" he repeats with a fond smile.

"Well we have a few things, surprisingly babies seem to be all about superheroes or princesses nowadays, but there is this online store" she starts to explain leading him away. "All nature based products; stuffed toys; cribs; mobiles; clothing......I'll make sure you leave with the address"

"Thank you" he tells her, she smiles.

"First baby?" she asks him.

"My sister's...she's, well, it's a bit of a surprise for her" he looks down at the onesie. "I was hoping to cheer her up with this"

"First ones are always scary" she tells him, Logan hums a little looking around. This place is actually confusing, how many different brands and types of things do people need? Surely one functioning version of everything is enough.


2 weeks later:

It's taken Bruce 16 days to reach the States. 16 days of walking, hitching and hiding. And mourning. He is mourning. Within 2 days he knew he was lost without Eli. A gaping wound in his chest that shows no sign of getting better soon. He can't eat. He can't sleep. All he can think about is getting to New York, get to New York, fix this mess, then find Eli again. Round and round in his head it goes. His plan. Fix this mess, get his girl back. He will prove to her that him being normal and her being a mutant can work. He will prove it to her. But first things first.....He looks around and pulls his baseball cap further down to hide his face before walking away.


Logan sets the paintbrush down and glares at the paint on his hands. This is the part of painting he despises, paint and getting it out of his skin. He sighs a little and then rests his hands on his hips to look around the room. It's his surprise to Eli. A small apartment within the school. Charles had allowed Logan to refurbish the attic for Eli and the baby, it's quiet up there, and warm, with a beautiful stain glass window that over looks the gardens. Eli will love it. He's split the attic into four rooms; a bedroom for Eli, one for the baby, a bathroom and then an open plan kitchen and living room.

"Logan?" Eli's voice echo's into the attic and Logan's eyes widen before he hurries down from the attic, shutting the hatch behind him before Eli can reach him, he has time, she's on the slow side nowadays. He's just hiding his hands behind his back when she rounds the corner wearing one of his shirts today, she's been wearing shirts of whoever she can find in the school, mostly Colossus and Beast, sometimes Logan's.

"What's wrong?" he asks her.

"Nothing" she answers. "I was just looking for that blanket, the really thick cream one with the bobbles and the fringing on it"

"It's in Rogue's room, you took it in there when you both watched that film last night" he answers. "I'll go get....go get comfy" she smiles in thanks and then walks away, he lets out a breath and pulls his hands forward to glower at the paint.


Eli is sitting in a rocking chair in the library, where she is writing a letter. Logan enters the room and leans in the doorway, folding his arm over his chest, the blanket hanging from his fingers.

"Writing a love letter to one of your many suitors?" he teases. "So, who's the lucky recipient, then?" He smiles. "Beast? Or, Cyclops?" Eli rolls her eyes at him. "Don't tell me it's Jean?" They both laugh. "I thought you were out of the running years ago!" she shoots him a look as he smirks. Suddenly, she groans when the baby starts to kick at her, she looks down and touches her bump. Logan walks toward Eli, looking concerned. "How is our littlest wolf?" he asks, she looks to him.

"Do you want to...?" She rubs her baby bump expectantly. Logan steps back, looking nervous, but Eli gives him a look. "Come on!" She gestures again to her belly. Logan reaches out and touches her abdomen, and he's startled when he feels the baby kick. "You feel that?" she asks him, Logan smiles. They share a look, she smiles back at him. He leans back and then holds out the blanket.

"Here" he motions with the blanket and she lifts her letter up so he can drape the blanket over her legs, tucking her in slightly before pulling back, she cringes slightly and closes her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asks her.

"Every time she moves it's like I'm being drop kicked by Colossus" Eli comments touching her bump. Logan watches her worried, she's been getting worse, paler, gaunt, exhausted. Her hair has a now constant green tinge to it, her eyes are dull and fading. He is honestly worried for the first time since they were kids that she is going to die. But he tries to stay positive, just like everyone else is, to keep Eli happy. Because she is happy, he can see it, when she thinks about the life inside of her.

"I'll let you get back to your secret letter" he teases and kisses her head, she smiles softly as he then proceeds to leave the room. Eli waits a moment before she starts writing: [Dear Mari...or Laura...or Charlie....or Joanna...or Kayla. To my little wolf. Your Uncle just asked if this was a love letter. I guess it kind of is. I never got to ask my mother what it was like when she was pregnant with me and your Uncle Logan. I have no idea what she must have thought when she carried me and Logan. So, I thought I'd write to you, so you can know how happy I am at this very moment. How much I can't wait to meet you...And, I want to make you a promise of three things that you will have that I haven't in a very long time: a safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you, no matter what. In other words, a family. So, there you go, little wolf. The rest, we're going to have to figure out together. I love you. Always. Your mother] Eli touches the page before pulling it out and folding it so it can fit into the envelope at her side with the words Littlest Wolf written on the front. It's not the first letter. Nor, she feels, will it be the last.

Book One: A Wolf Among BeastsWhere stories live. Discover now