Chapter Seven

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Bruce finds that travelling with Eli is actually more peaceful then, well, anything he's ever done. She doesn't push him to talk, to fill the silence and he is content to let the music from the radio sooth him. Ricky is content to shove his head out the window and let the air ruffle his face up. Every now and then he even feels brave enough to hold her hand, to set his hand on her knee, to scoot just that little bit closer to her, and whilst he is ashamed of how much of a coward he can be especially towards this woman he cares about he is starting to see that maybe Eli's presence and influence on his life isn't as bad as he worried it would be, he worried that having someone he cares about in harms way would have him on edge all the time, that the simplest of things would set him off, that she'd run once she learnt the truth, but none of that has come to pass, Eli is tough, inside and out and it settles him knowing that, and her inner animal calls to the other guy in a way that has him rather content to watch her from within him, the other guy hasn't pushed as much since meeting Eli, he's there, Bruce knows he is there but settled.


The pair walk into a bar in Peru, local dive, quiet but there is a soft flow of live music, Bruce touches her arm and then moves towards a booth in the corner, away from people as Eli moves to the bar which she leans on slightly, angling her hips, it's not on purpose, it's just what she does, but from where Bruce sits it sets off all her curves and her lines, the dim light of the bar adds a soft glow to her, and he smiles as she flicks her hair over her shoulder, no matter how many times she ties it back it always ends up loose around her shoulders, and she's constantly having to brush it out of the way. She glances back at Bruce and catches him watching her, she smirks at him, he looks away and clears his throat blushing, it's not even that he's not allowed to look, she is technically his to look at but he still gets all red and fidgety when she catches him doing it. Eli chuckles and looks back to the bartender, she orders them both a drink, soft for Bruce, he still refuses to drink no matter how many times she offers. Eli thanks the bartender as he goes to fill their order before she sniffs a little, and then stiffens. Turning she is face to face with the one person she never wanted to see again, ever, ever again, in fact, she hoped he was dead by now. But alas....William Stryker now stands in the one bar that she and Bruce walked into.

"Urgh what do you want?" Eli asks turning to Stryker stood behind her, she can see Bruce shifting nervously in the booth, watching her. He wants to be that kind of.....partner, the one to defend his girlfriend, but the risk is too great, it's not like she can't look after herself.

"Just checking in" Stryker answers, Eli scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest.

"You never just....check in....what do you want?" she repeats raising an eyebrow and then turns to the bar to grab her and Bruce's drinks. "Cause..kinda on a date"

"Yes, with Dr. Banner" Skryker states glancing to Bruce. "Quite a catch, do you know how many people would kill to know where he is?" he turns back to Eli who walks passed him and back to Bruce who looks to her, questioning if she's okay, she nods a little and turns to Stryker who of course follower. "Elizabeth" Stryker states, she growls a little. "Eli..."

"Spit it out, Stryker" she snaps with warning.

"I need able bodied people to infiltrate....." Stryker tells her.

"You think I'm going to help you?" Eli asks interrupting him. "After what you did to Logan at Alkali Lake? What you did to the other mutants. I am not helping you....ever" she turns to sit with Bruce, Stryker grabs her arm to stop her, Eli stiffens and a growl rumbles in her chest.

"Do not think we've forgotten that you and three other mutants broke into a secure government facility and stole a top secret, highly dangerous experiment" he tells her, Bruce raises an eyebrow, Eli scoffs.

"That experiment...was my twin brother" she corrects, Bruce looks to Stryker. "There was no way in hell I was going to let you keep him, and what you did to him....he was practically feral" she snarls eyes starting to glow yellow. "Now fuck off" she growls stepping closer to Stryker whilst tugging her arm free of him. "This is me asking nicely....if I have to again....the claws come out" she warns.

"This is me asking nicely too" he counters.

"I'm not interested...." she tells him, he holds up his hands and steps back from her, turning he makes eye contact with someone across the room and then nods, a gun shot sounds out and Eli falls, bullet between her eyes, Bruce's eyes widen, but before he can even begin to register what's happening, there is a rippling through his body, and he knows just what's happening, and this once, he can't really feel that bad about it. The other guy stands protectively over Eli, Stryker steps away cautious as the other guy roars, loudly, shaking the entire bar, People are screaming, running, all except the men Stryker brought with him. Eli groans as the bullet unlodges it's self from her brain. She leans up a little.

"You knew it wouldn't kill me" she comments.

"Just...sending a message" Stryker comments.

"Well..see now...I feel bad for Bruce" she stands setting her hand on the other guy's arm, he huffs and looks to her. "But....maybe it is time for the monsters to play" she offers looking up at the big guy who suddenly grins. Eli looks to Stryker, her eyes turning yellow and her fangs descending.

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