*•°~Chapter 2~°•*

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Happy new year

Kokichi's Pov :

One of the scalpel was missing, until the lights turn off. "huh?"Why did the lights turn off? I thought. Then i realized "how I'm gonna get out of this room when it's too dark? "I said to myself .Then I lost consciousness.

3rd Pov :

The students at the gym started to share there inner animals to each other, then the the lights turned off, "huh?" "What the f***?" "Hey! What happened to the light?! " "Everyone calm down."Then a scream rang out. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! "The scream was Himiko's Voice...,
Then a the lights flick on and we saw something unexpected at the door.......... There was blood splattered at it. "What the.. "Kaito spoke in deep shocked,"We should know who's blood is that.."Maki spoke, We all agreed. We all followed the trail of blood, until it stop,leading us to kokichi's dorm. The door was a bit open, we opened it and saw what we all fear..

"Ding dong dong ding"



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