Chapter 2

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"How do you know Haru?" I asked the group. 

"Well, well, when you-" 

"She's in our club," Kyoya answered, successfully shutting Tamaki up. 

Tamaki went to the corner of the room and mutter quietly to himself as he grew odd looking mushrooms. Why mushrooms of all things? 

I tilted my head, "Haru doesn't usually join clubs...oh, well!" 

"Will Kazuki be attending Ouran?" Kaoru asked Daddy. 

Daddy sighed, " Kazuki is perfectly capable of getting a scholarship but I'm afraid how he will be behavioral wise. " 

Haruhi rolled her eyes, "He'll be fine, he'll be in most of my classes." 

"Actually, I could ask my father to make sure that you two shared all your classes, " Tamaki offered and I grinned. 

"Yay!" I cheered, leaning against Kyoya. Surprisingly, he didn't move or flinch away. He really isn't scared of me. 

"Kyoya," I started gaining the taller male's attention, " Will I see you at school?" 

He didn't move, "No, you and I are in different years..." 

His glasses gleamed, "But if joined our club then maybe." 

I beamed, " I wanna join and help!" 

He thought for a second,  "Can you bake?" 

I nodded rapidly, " Yep, Daddy taught me."

"Then you can help by baking cakes for Honey, " Kyoya replied, " Sometimes we run out of the cake for Honey and we have to settle with giving candy from the commoner's supermarket.  We can't order any more cake in the week if we run out because of it'll go over our budget." 

I nodded with understanding, "Oh okay!"

Haruhi smiled, "Thank you, Kyoya- Sempai."

Kyoya didn't reply so I nuzzled my head into his shoulder. 

He didn't say a word but he ran his slim fingers through my hair soothingly. My eyes became droopy and I had to resist the urge to yawn.  

"Go to sleep," Kyoya whispered softly, his voice deep and low. 

It was almost like a command that I had to carry out because my eyes slowly fluttered shut and I was sleeping peacefully. 

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