The first day of school

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It's the first day of high school. The high school building is really big, a LOT bigger than Jefferson. In the distance, I saw a black girl with brown curly hair and a boy with brown hair and a blue sweater vest WAY too hot for the late summer weather. I made my way over to them.
" Hey, guys! "

" Andi! " Cyrus and Buffy said simultaneously.

We started talking about this and that when out of nowhere I was pushed over "Move out of my way! " I caught my self before I fell completely. On my hands and knees, I murmured to myself " Amber. "

Amber Brown. She's always hated me. I don't know what I even did to her, we almost became friends last year in eighth grade but it didn't really work out. One day she came to hang out and she just started yelling at me, and I have no clue why.

 She first started hating me in seventh grade when she was dating jonah. I could tell she didn't even like him, she liked that he liked her. But still, I'd like to know what her problem is.

I got up and brushed myself off. I looked at my friends and Buffy looked heated. " She needs an attitude adjustment!"  Buffy tried to walk in her direction but Cyrus quickly ran in front of her and held her back with both arms " No-no Buffy, that won't be needed! " Cyrus exclaimed half out of breath. "Buffy, I'm fine! She's three years ahead of us, she won't near us most of the time!" I said to her.
 " Fine...but if you have any problems with her, let me know,  " Buffy said calming down " I will " I replied.

The bell rang and it was time for us to go inside.  We went into the auditorium and directed to our homeroom. Cyrus was in my homeroom with me. buffy was next door. Then we went to our classes period 1 and 2 were forgettable, now it's time for period 3.

On my way there I found out it was all the way across the school, I went into the class and I saw buffy in there and some really tall kids. They Obviously weren't ninth graders.

I sat down next to buffy

"Hey buffy"


"What's the grade on the other side of the room? "

"I'm not sure"

The teacher stood up from her desk and wrote her name on the board

Mrs. Duvolt

"Hello kids I'm Mrs. Duvolt"

She looked about in her early 50's and wore a multi-colored business suit.

"This is relationship studies, a brand new coarse we are doing this year. This class is all about how people experience emotions, meanings to different people, etc.

So I got some help from my junior friends with this class because I'm assuming you all don't know each other, which will make things a lot easier. 

Our first project will be a partner project, you will have class time and home time to work on this. A freshman will get with a junior. You'll concoct a plan to get people to be kinder to each other. Okay, so I'll assign groups.

"Amber Brown, Michael Loft"

I and Buffy gasped a little at Amber's name.

"Andi Mack, Essence Roberts "

A taller girl got directed over to me.

"Barry Cure, Lane Room

"Buffy Driscoll,  Janice Luis"

The rest of the names were called we were all partnered up until
A 9th-grade boy and most likely a 12th grader came they said they were looking for Essence Roberts and Michael lost because they were in the wrong class.

"Oh Amber,  Andi I two will have to work together I guess "

"Amber had a look of rage on her face like she was about to slap the teacher.
Amber sat down next to Andi.

"Hi..."I said to her

"Don't talk to me," Amber replied

Mrs. Duvolt went on telling us about how we need a visual representation of our plan, and how both people need to talk while presenting the project.

"Now, the bell is going to ring in 8 minutes so I'm going to  give you kids time to figure out your plan."Mrs. Duvolt said.

I took a piece of loose-leaf paper and put it on the table " let's get started. What should we do" I said. Amber stayed silent and looked away. " Come on Amber we have to do this, please cooperate with me," I begged. Amber continued to stay silent.  "Please. " I said " screw off," she replied.

Buffy heard this and I saw her glance over and look at amber with a burning flame in her eye.

Just like that the bell rang and Amber was the first one to get up and go out the door. I got my stuff and waited for buffy when buffy was ready me she left our table and went to the door.

" I heard what she said to you!" Buffy exclaimed.

"I did too buffy, and I'm fine to let her be mean. It doesn't hurt me much. " I replied calmly

"Your lying."


" Whenever you talk in that overly confident voice is there something wrong. "

"Fine, we were friends all the way up until a little more than a month ago. Now I'm just a traitor that adds to her the concept of pain, and I don't even have any clue what that means I did!. Just the fact that she hates me, and I have no clue why she hates me! It just bugs me. It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have a class together where we're partners! An-" I was suddenly cut off by Buffy

" And you wish everything could go back to how it was, right? "

I nod my head

" This is high school Andi, not everything is happy sunshine and rainbows anymore. But if you really want to alleviate the stress you have two options."

" And they are...

' 1. Suck it up and move on 2. Become friends with her or at least try to see what you did. And I would suggest number one, but if you are really dead set on figure out what you did then you should go with number two."

" It's not just about my stress Buffy! She refuses to do her work with me, my grade is on the line!"

" You're right I never considered that. Then you have to get the option 2 to work! Or else you can fail the class well probably just the quarter, but that still has a major effect on your grade."

" I shouldn't be that worried about this it's time for lunch let's get into the cafeteria and eat"

" I second you on that" Buffy said smiling.

We met up with Cyrus and Jonah and found the seat, we decided to sit with Libby too. So I guess this year if I want to have a good grade I have to find out one thing, what's her problem?

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