A Brand New Friend

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The next day I was in period 2, today we were figuring out seating arrangement. We have tables instead of desks in this class.

Jonah sat across from me and a boy wearing a white t-shirt and some shorts. He was pretty basic for the most part.

On the other side of me was a girl...I think her black hair was cut short on the sides but curly at the top like a boy's, she wore a purple sweatshirt, I'm not sure how in this heat. She wore rose gold loop earrings and a dyed blue Jean skirt.

As I was looking at her she turned to me and smiled. "Hi! I'm Cassidy!"

I jolted back a bit snapping back into reality and socializing mode. "Oh, hello! My name is Andi!" I said smiling

After the seating was arranged since it was only the second day of school the English teacher let us do pretty much whatever we wanted. Me, Jonah, and Cassidy sat and talked the entire class.

Cassidy 's pretty interesting she likes art, animation, anime, music, and sweets. She really likes to keep up her appearance which shows because she is really pretty. She hates make up though who she has to make sure her skin stays clear. She cut her hair in the way it's in because she hates hair in her face. She's really funny for the most part. She gave me her number and told me I should text her after school.

"Last year was so weird a bunch of strange things happened last year at westerburg. I looked like the girl from the ring last year so I get why!" Cassidy laughed.

We laughed and joked more. At one point we both laughed and moved forward so much that our noses were pretty much touching. We gazed at each other for a bit but didn't notice until jonah pointed it out. When he did that we jolted our heads back laughing.

"What the heck was that!" I said laughing.

"I'm not sure, but I think it was staring tho!" Cassidy said laughing loudly.
The  bell rang and it was time for "that class. " I walked to class I went in and amber was sitting in her seat next to mine. Her teeth were smacking on some gum. Gum I sure seems wasn't supposed to have.

I sat next to her, I could feel her gaze stabbing me in my arm as I looked forward and waited for the teacher to come up and talk. I wished the girl the girl next to me was Cassidy instead of Amber. Luckily Buffy was next to me. I looked at her, and non-suprisingly she was death staring amber.

Mrs. Duvolt  got up from her desk and walked up to the front of the class. "Okay kids we will be continuing with the project you started yesterday. At this point you should be working on your plan. Once you finish your plan you need to write it down on a piece of paper and bring it up to me so I may review it." Mrs. Duvolt answered a few questions then went back to her desk and start ed filling out papers or something like that.

I already had the plan written down since last night. I took out the price of paper I wrote it on from my folder and slid it in front of me. I re-read it over and I saw that everything was in order. I me and another kid brought our papers up. She reviewed them and found them ready for the next step so she handed them back to us."Sketch out your visual representation." Mrs. Duvolt said.

I went back to our table and sat down. I looked at Amber, "Will you help me?" I asked her. She looked at me angrily but then her facial expression changed a bit almost...sympathetic? But it was for only a split second.

" Fine, I'll help you" Amber mumbled

"Really, even after yesterday?" I said confused.

"Yeah, okay!? Do you want me to make you do it your fucking self!"

"No! Sorry I was just a bit surprised."

"Well can you stop fucking complaining about it and let's start!"

"Okay, okay"

Amber smiled "Good, I have some ideas"

I took out some pencils and a piece of paper.

Surprisingly Amber was kinda nice. She got very mean a few times. But for the most part she was pretty creative and kind. She kind of acted like the her from the last year just a bit meaner. once the class finished we had a few rough sketches for some of the things we could do.

When the bell rang Amber turned around and looked at me and said

"Don't get used to this, I only helped you because I felt bad about yesterday...." Then she walked of with a walk like she was better than me. I know that isn't true. I see us as equals. 

Period 4 went by very fast. It wasn't any thing  special. just math class. Before I knew it it was lunch time. 

While I was walking to the lunch room I felt a tap on my shoulder. i looked back, and there I saw Cassidy.' Hellooo"  She said smiling at me. "Hi!" I responded.   

Cassidy put her hands on my shoulders and then sat her head on my left shoulder as we walked.

" Can I sit with you today, I don't have any friends." 

"Really, that's sad"

"Yes but expected because I was so emo i had my hair look like the hair of the girl from the ring." Cassidy laughed.

We made our way to the outside of the lunch room.  Buffy, Jonah and Cyrus were standing there, there was still a few minutes before lunch I went up to talk to them.

"Who's this?" Cyrus said inquisitively referencing the the Girl on my shoulder. "Oh, this is Cassidy, I met her in English." I replied. "Hi!" Cassidy said happily. "She's really nice."  I said reaffirming my claims. 

"I like your hair!" Buffy said looking her up and down.

"Thanks!" Cassidy replied "Also Andi you're really nice too!" Cassidy replied to my compliment. wrapping her arms around me giving me a hug, Which made me smile a little.

Buffy smirked" It seems like you two are very good friends" Buffy said looking at us. 

The bell rang for lunch and we got our food. All throughout lunch  I was really puzzled. Amber felt bad for me?  Well at least I know she still has empathy., and maybe deep down she still the kind nice girl she used to be.


OMG I'm so sorry ive been so busy!! The chapter was going to be longer but I shortened it to get this out. I'M SO SORRY but I will be updating soon

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