1: A Messed Up Fairytale

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.o0 Chapter One 0o.

Yu-ri's POV

"Wa!! So this SOPA High School!" I exclaim, clasping my hands together.

I finally arrived to the school I've always dreamed of going to.

I worked really hard to get here, in fact, I wasn't the only one who worked hard, my whole family did.

In the definition of family, it meant my dad, and my older sister, Yuna. My parents got a divorce when I was three, so I don't really remember anything about my mom. How she looked like, her personality, nothing. And after the divorce, I never got to see her because she died.

My dad in the other hand didn't take this news that well. My dad got depressed and started drinking. Though knowing this was bad for his heath, I left him to it, knowing the stress and pain he bottled up. 

Even though knowing this for several years, it would always bring... Tears back. It was like an old wound being opened again.

But even though I felt sorry for him, I felt worse for Yuna. Yuna did live with my mom for nine  years, unlike me. 

My dad worked many jobs, while Yuna and I worked at convention stores, trying to earn money, even if we still young and had school.

Life was hard, but I tried to stay strong. 

Since my dad worked a lot, Yuna unnie and I had a lot of time together, alone. We always did our homework together, and worked together. Yuna unnie worked more than me because she said I should focus on being an Kpop Idol, which was my dream. We all worked our butts off, and now, it was worth it.

I kept staring at the beautiful school until somebody bumped into me. I was so nervous that I  jumped back at least 5 feet, which caused me to bump into more and more people. This started to make me feel self conscious.

"W-what da heck...W-why are there s-s-so many p-people here..." I stuttered, not used to meeting a lot of unknown people at the same time. 

"Dang, you're right...Why are there so many people here."

"ACK!" I jumped back another 5 feet, accidentally bumping into a group of people.

"Aish...My uniform!" Somebody yelled at me. He sounded familiar, but I ignored it.

"Don't you have any manners? Look at me and say sorry."

I turned back and said sorry, but I didn't met his eyes. I didn't want  to know who he was.

"Kim Yuri!! Pay Attention!! You don't want to get bullied on the first day of school here!!" I lectured myself in my head.

"Don't just say sorry, bow down! 90 degrees angle!"

"Sigh...I guess nothing changes..." I thought.

"Hyung, stop it, she's just a girl." Somebody said. He also sounded very familiar.

"Wait...what?" I was surprised.

"Maja Hyung, look she's terrified because of you." Again, they all sounded so familiar. (Maja= Yeah!)

"A-are...Are they protecting me?"

"Aish...But she deserve it...Aren't I right?"

I looked away and didn't respond, too nervous and surprised to talk.

"You have a mouth for a reason!" He yelled.

"y-yeah..." You muttered, staring at the ground.

"I said look at me when I talk to you!?" He held my chin and forced my face up, so my eyes meet his.

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