2. You Got to be Kidding Me...

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.o0 Chapter Two 0o.

Yuri's POV

I burst into my dorm room, the door flying open as I kicked it as hard as I could. I came back because I didn't know where else to go. Like I had no choice, and I hate it.

"Daebak... I have to share a dorm room with a stupid, talking statue that does nothing," I mutter, wanting to slam my head into the wall again.

If it weren't for the small bruise already forming from the different times I whacked myself from the times Yoongi was annoying, I would've done it again.

"I can feel you glaring at me, and it's creeping me out. Next time, try and be a little less stalker-ish, will you?" The traitor mumbled, as he shifted on the bed, attempting to sleep. [(You will see why Yuri called him traitor :)]

"If you kick yourself out of this dorm, maybe I'll stop." I talk back in a childish, sassy voice, my usual calm and collected self gone.

When Yoongi was around, my regular self seemed to snap, and in it's place was a foreign, defensive girl.

"Yuri you're such a b*tch..." Yoongi snapped, "Can't you just let a man sleep?"

"You can sleep outside if you want." I suggest. "Hard, cold cardboard is waiting for you!" I plaster on a fake smile, pointing to the door. "The door's that way."

"Nah, I think I'm fine," Yoongi casually comments, moving positions in the bed to get a cozier and more comfortable place to sleep. "You can take your own offer. I mean, it sounds like you like the cold outside hallways better than the dorm."

"Yah! You're a monster, Min Yoongi." I hiss. "Everything was turning out great, and then you had to seemingly come along. I shouldn't even be surprised. After all, it's you, the bringer of all things bad."

"I know, I know, I might be too much for your level, but you should thank me doll face." Yoongi insisted haughtily, as if he was the creator of all things.

"And why is that?" I ask confidently, not knowing what was to come next.

"Cause we finally met again..." Yoongi stated, flashing his gummy smile that I rarely saw... Anymore.

I couldn't help but blush from that comment.

"N-no..." I stutter. "Idiot! Idiot! Stop blushing!" I yell at myself in my head. It was as if my heart racing and my brain were fighting, my heart sending excess blood to my face, as my brain sent warnings.

I kept lecturing myself until I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Him. He was smirking, his gummy smile gone, and now replaced the nerve boiling smirk.

"YA! What's so funny!?!" I ask, as calmly as I could, though my voice was definitely not calm. It was a tad louder than normal... Ok, I admit it, it wasn't calm at all, or at my normal vocal range.

"You're slapping yourself." Yoongi answered, trying not to laugh, still observing me.

"What!?! I never did that!" I retort, crossing my arms, an annoyed look now visible on my face.

"Oh Yuri, you're still insecure huh?"

"W-what? N-no..." I tried to respond strongly, but of course, nothing worked out. I tried to hide that I was not insecure anymore, but Yoongi saw it straight through me...Why does everybody do that?

I tried to hide my blushing since I was insecure and embarrassed. The fact that the more I tried to hide my blushing, the redder I got. And don't take this the wrong way, I might be blushing because of Yoongi, but that doesn't mean that I like him in any sort of way. And that's just wrong. Liking your own enemy? Definitely not the line to cross.

"Hey doll face, are you going to sleep or not?" Yoongi finally comments, breaking the silent atmosphere.

"S-shut up..." I saw how dark it was outside, so I slept, on the farthest side of the bed. Trying to get away from him as much as possible, since there was only one bed. Seriously, who designed these dorms!? They suck!

.o0 Time Skip 0o.

Yoongi's POV

It was seven in the morning and I didn't want to wake up. I mean who does? No one less except that stupid Yuri girl. Why do I have to go to the same school as her, and even worse WE HAVE TO SHARE DORMS?!  And why does the dorms look like a home for hobo's?!? Only one bed? You got to be kidding me. I am the genius Min Yoongi, and I don't live in trash, and never will. 

*cough *


Anyways, I woke up from my beauty sleep until I heard a hideous voice yelling at me. I opened my eyes, finding myself to be staring at a monstrosity.

"haha...A pig just yelled at me..." I laugh weakly, since I just woke up. "Am I still sleeping?"

"Suddenly, I heard a murderous laugh...

"Oh you want to sleep, well, I will make you sleep forever!" Yelled the monstrous pig.

"F*CK!?!" I yell from the sharp pain coming from my chest. "Hey piggy! You better apologize!!!"

"Apologize? My a**!" Yelled the crazy pig. "And who are you calling pig!"

"You...duh?" I saw with my 'sweggy' shrug. "We are the only one in this dorm."

"Well, there will be only one now." Smirked the pig.

That gave me the creeps so I finally "woke up".

"You finally woke up! Aish...did you know how long that took?" Yelled Yuri, aka "the pig".

"I would have appreciated it if you didn't hit me." 

"You didn't wake up, and I didn't want to find Prince Charming, so I found the easy way out." Yuri  said, copying my 'swegy' shrug.

"You should have just left without me." I told Yuri.

 Yuri shook her head. "Why? Aren't you going to be late?" 

Why the f*ck does she always ask questions? It's annoying. 

"Nah...I always stay in the dorms in Monday's. Why? Worried?"

"Yoongi...it's Wednesday..."



"OH SH*TUE!!" I yell from my sudden realization.

"And why would I care about you?"


"Cause?" Yuri said with panic. I mean I guess she has her points. There were only 3 minutes until school started, and I know Yuri doesn't like being late.

"eh. Let's just go. I'll tell you at school."

"Okay good! Cause I need to run now. BYE!" 

And Yuri just left like that.

I mean she does remember to do her stuff...but she forgot one...

Her ID card...

Now she's definitely going to be late. 

Eh I'll be nice today and just give it to her as I go to school...

.o0 Chapter Two Ending 0o.


Author's Notes

Hey guys! It's Choey! This is the chapter 2 of "In Our DNA"!!! Hopefully you guys are enjoying this...This might be boring now...but trust me. Things are going to get interesting...*makes evil cringey face*...SO YEAH! Don't forget to boop the star and I hope you guys enjoyed! (>u<) 


[Edited by Jichu <3]

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