Seventeen - Lynne

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"Is it just me or does that lady look like she's about to murder all of us?" Lisa asked, making me shake my head.

"I don't know," I said as I sat with Bella's head resting on my lap. It was one of the first times in a long time we could sit there, patiently, and I could just braid her hair mindlessly. "It's cool they're giving us jobs."

"I guess," she replied, "but we could've survived without them."

"I don't know, you saw what happened to Laurel," I said in a soft voice as I crawled back through the memory, "You remember what happened to Caleb, to Alex, and Ben, and Rh--."

"I know," she said, cutting me off, "I just. . . it's stupid we need help."

"It's not help, its survival," I said, flickering my eyes down to Bella as she shut her eyes, lost in a dream I had no clue about.

"Maybe we'll get through this." She said, shrugging her shoulders, earning a nod from me as I hummed in agreement, nonchalantly.

"Maybe," I repeated in the same voice, closing my eyes for a minute as I sighed gently, "I don't want to lose anyone else."

"As long as we stay together, we won't lose anyone else." I said.

"I promise, I won't let anyone else die," I swore, and then stroked Bella's hair again, "not anymore."

I was interrupted by Jinxx as he walked over to me, his eyes slightly red and a small, faint smile on his face. His eyes traveled down to Bella, as he sat down on my other side. "How's she doing?" He asked.

I was surprised at the sudden action, but nodded, "She's fine. Still a little shaken up, but she's hanging in there."

It was silent for a moment, nothing heard beside our breathing. Finally, Jinxx spoke again. There was a hint of empathy in his voice.

"Losing her girl. . . it must be tough, especially for a kid."

"She's been through worse," I replied.

"I'm sure, she's brave," he said, "she's brave like you are, Lynne."

I couldn't help but scoff at that comment, but looked over to him. "You're brave too," I said, though I wasn't sure I meant it after what's happened - after what he's done to us.

Again, silence took over the room. Jinxx shook his head, "I'm sorry, by the way. . . her death, it was all my fault."

"Stop, don't do that," I said, cocking my head to him, "it wasn't your fault."

"Lynne, you don't understand. I told them to go in the forest, I told them hide and seek would be fun. I just. . . I've never had a little sister before. I've never had a sibling before. Caleb and I were gonna adopt a little girl, before, well. . ." He sighed and smiled, but shook his head, "I just want to feel like I'm doing something good."

"You didn't have any young child at your house ever?" I asked, a little sympathetic. He froze but kept his eyes on Bella.

"Zoe, she was my cousin," he turned to me, "I said I was gonna protect her. I told her I'd protect her after we got the news. But s-she. . . ." He stopped himself, "It was all my fault, and I don't want the same thing to repeat with her. She's the only child left, she doesn't deserve this."

It was kind of insulting and conflicting that Jinxx was acting as a father figure to my little sister, but I stayed quiet anyway.


"Lynne, I swear to you - I will protect her. I just. . . I want to be part of the group again. I want to be a family again. . . like when Caleb was still around. Hell, I miss him more than I could ever say." He sighed, "how do I do that, Lynne? How do I make them like me again?"

I looked to my girlfriend and shrugged.

"Apologize to Luna," she said.

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