Thirty-Six - Luna

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When it doesn't hit you is when you know you've been through it all. When death doesn't hit you so hard that it knocks you out, that it drowns you in your own sorrows is when you know you've seen all that the world has to offer.

It's when you don't feel anything is when you've been through everything that you think you can. But you never really go through everything, rather everything goes through you.

When you can't feel the steps you take but you see yourself moving or when you open the door and people talk but you can't hear the voices is when everything has been through you. My gaze met everyone but I couldn't hear them, all I heard was the ringing in my ears.

I looked up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I met with Mark's brown eyes, my own no longer drowning in tears. "We have a problem." I say, my own voice breaking through and letting me hear the rest of the room.

They were asking when happened and where Jinxx was. If everything was okay was one that many of them asked us. They didn't even seem to hear me when I spoke, more obsessed with where he was than what was going on.

I just looked into Mark's eyes before looking to Stacy. She stood towards the back of the room, a hand on her stomach and the other on Bella's shoulder. "Stacy, take Bella to her room and lock the door behind you two." I say, louder than the first time, and everyone stops talking.

Silence fills and Stacy walks out of the room, Bella with her. We stay silent until they door closes in the distance and after a second it locks. I look around the group before looking behind me to Lynne, she was shaking but she's strong enough to make it.

Behind her was Michael and Lucas, the pair looking at me in concern. I turned back to my group, my friends, my family, my heart thumping in my ears. "They did it." I speak, breaking the silence that I hate.

The group looks at me in confusion, wondering what I was going on about, what had happened. "Who did what?" Lisa asked and I looked to her then back to Mark's eyes, being the only thing that seemed to ground me to reality.

We locked eyes and I let out a breath, even, no longer shaky. We've been through the unimaginable, so many times have we had the chance to change something, to save someone, to keep people alive. Yet here we are, having been through the unimaginable.

My words come out, not feeling real as they leave me, "They killed him." The looks they give me are enough to hurt me. They don't understand, of course not, they weren't there. "They killed Jinxx." I explain, watching their expressions change in a second, watching them cry, tears sounding like bullets as they fall and hit the floor.

No matter what, my eyes are locked with Mark's. It was Madelyn who speaks, cracked voice, faint, but there. "How?" She asks and I make no move, feeling the weight of the world, like the world is watching us, fall on my shoulders.

Lynne walks up beside me, looking at the group. "They turn people. . .they take the weak. . .the old. . .they kill them. . .use them as food." Lynne says, her words spaced out, like she was trying to be careful as to not shatter the thin glass our group was grounded on.

"What?" Lisa asks, not wanting to believe it, I wish I could not believe it. Wish that it was different than this. They weren't there, they didn't see what we did. They didn't see the bloody mat that sat on the floor in the back room, the mop and bucket of blood outside of the room.

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