Thirty-Four - Luna

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What's the most important thing out there? Friends? Possessions? Love? Family?

I'd have to say it's family. Family always has your back, they're always there for you when you need them.

Now a days it's everything. To have a family, to have someone to look after you. To have people care about you. That's what's most important in this world.

In the world where law's dead and those who are dead walk around and terrorize the living. A world that's worse than the one we knew.

What if you don't have someone to look after you, you don't have someone to care about?

What if you have no family left? Then what's more important?

I'd say it's Friends after that. Friends become like family and that's as close as anyone will ever get.

But in a moment like this everything seems to change. Every little thing that you thought you knew about the world changes.

I walked into the main room of the building that sat in the back of the community. Shelves sat around the room, each holding some forms of food. I gagged at the thought of it being people in cans.

In my hand was my python as I walked, Lynne following close behind me. Lucas and Michael stayed at the entrance, not daring to look in. The lights, of course, didn't work at the moment, not wanting to turn on when the switch was flipped.

"Easy Graile." I muttered after Lynne bumped into one of the shelves. The shelf rattled, a can falling to the floor. The crash echoed in the silence, adding to the fact that I didn't want to be here.

Of course the questions ran through my head. Where is he? Was one of the bigger questions out of everything.

Slowly, we made our way around everything. "Jinxx?" Lynne whispered as we walked, hearing a groan in the darkness. Reaching down, I pulled my small flashlight from my pocket. The light flickered on and we were met with the back of a person.

My eyes widen a bit at the lack of arms that the person had. It was the groan that changed it from a person to a walker. Lynne raised her gun before I held my hand up. I let out a whistle and we watched as the walker turned around to face us.


"Who are you?" I asked, pointing my pistol at him. The black haired man raised his hands up in the air.

"I'm Jinxx, Jinxx Trends." He says and I nod my head.

"How many walkers have you killed?"


"How many people have you killed?"



"Because it was me or them."


"No." Lynne gasped, her hands covering her mouth as the walker fully faced us. London eyes and matted black hair greeted us as the walker let out a growl.

Before us stood a walker, a shell of a man that we used to know, a man who I would have been proud to call my brother. He stumbled towards us, eyes like glass and emotionless.

The love and anger that he once felt was all gone. It was only in instinct to hunt and eat. That's all that he's left with, the need to feed. No more fighting, no more sadness, just hunger.


"Fuck you. I don't understand what Caleb saw in you." I say, rolling my eyes at him.

"Fuck you. I hope you die, just like your dumbass brother. Freak." He says and I narrow my eyes at him.

"What did you just say to me?"

"I said freak." He says and that's when I lunge.


Tears left my eyes as the walker came up to us. I pushed him back, crying along with Lynne. She was frozen in place as I pushed him back, hoping that this was a dream.

The walker. It was like he had no name anymore. Like he was never a person. But he was a person. A jackass most of the time but a person nonetheless.

My heart picks up it's pace as I push him back by the shoulders. "No!" I yelled at the walker, shaking my head as I dropped my python. "No! Not you too damnit!" I yelled at the walker, hitting his chest.


"He wanted to marry you, told Lynne and me. I got him a ring and he was gonna do it once we were safe and away from the herd." I say looking back at him. "For that, no matter how much you fuck up. You're my family. Always Jinxx." I say, pushing off of the railing and turning towards the door. "Don't forget that."


I pushed hard enough to make him fall to the floor. I cried, yelling out before I picked up my pistol. The walker struggled on the floor, not being able to get up without arms.

I let a sob leave me as I aimed the gun with shaking hands. "I'm sorry brother." I say, my voice cracking.

Everything that he once was was gone. In a flash everything that he stood for was gone. It's hard to lose family, no matter what they did to you. It's hard to think that someone could be gone in a flash and you could miss it.

You could miss the life that that person lived so quick. All that you get to be left with is the memories that they left behind in you. You just need to hold onto the memories and they'll hold onto you.

I think I've always held on to memories. Of Caleb, of everything, not that I have a choice in the matter. But this moment, this instance in time that is doomed to end will forever be imprinted in my mind.

Like the swing of the katana I'll remember the sound of the walker that he became. The way that his eyes locked on us like we were his next meal. That never leaves anyone.

"Say hi to Caleb for me."


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