~Chapter 1~

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The next day Arthur got Miss McFarlane ( his fangirl of a secretary) to make an appointment with Dr. Bates again. Apparently maternity wards are all fully packed, constantly. Arthur arrived a bit early for his appointment with the Doctor... Good thing too because there were tons of forms to fill out for him. He had a bit more than the usual pregnant person since he was a nation and had a few confidential documents he needed to sign along with Dr. Bates for national security reasons.

It had been decided that he would keep the baby a secret for now, in case it was a new nation or micro-nation. Although the head of MI6 said he could tell the biological father if he so wished.

"No I bloody well do not want frog face to know..." Arthur mumbled to himself. If Francis knew that he'd gotten him pregnant he'd never hear the end of it, constant pokes at his pride, that annoying laugh following him everywhere... Arthur dreaded to think of all the reactions that would follow the announcement of a baby growing inside him.

About 10 more minuets passed until Arthur was called into the room. Luckily this was also the time that Miss McFarlane returned from god knows where, so it didn't look that weird for the male to walk into a maternity doctors room. Only thing was the lovey-dovey couple that were say next to him in the waiting room said rather loudly "congratulations to you and the misses Sir!"

Oh god I. Will. Never. Be. With. That.

This mistake had happened many times between himself and Emily. Many seemed to believe that himself and Emily McFarlane were in a relationship, not that Arthur blamed the spectators since she did have a tendency to cling onto his arm and start rambling in public places. Emily was a lovely lady but honestly she squeals way too much to be able to live with her.

When they entered the room, Emily gasped.


" Emily! I don't think you should be calling my Doctor a garden ornament. Where are your manners?"

Arthur scolded his secretary for embarrassing him. Not that that mattered, the man was about to give him an ultrasound.

"Oh sorry Mr. Kirkland! It's just we used to go to the same high school..."

"Honestly, I swear you know every bloody sod I come within a 10 metre radius of."

"Not everyone sir... Just a lot of them"

Arthur just rolled his eyes at that.

"Emily, it's good to see you," Dr. Bates stared at her through slightly glazed eyes and look at her as he explained things to Arthur and set up everything.

"Please hold up your shirt and the gel will be a little cold,"


Arthur flinched at the sudden cool gel as it was moved around his stomach. A sudden train track noise could be heard as Arthur sat with his eyes covered by his palms. He heard a few gasps as the image of what laid inside him focused for Emily and Dr. Bates looked at the screen next to them.

"Oh my..."

Arthur whipped his head upright so he was looking at Emily.

"What? What's wrong? Is it okay?! Tell me!"

Arthur looked straight into her eyes as he saw the true shock in her eyes as she moved her eyesight from the screen to her employer.

"Please calm down Mr. Kirkland, your babies are perfectly fine!"

He released his breath in relief. The miracle inside him was alright, his child would be fine for now. His baby...

Emily still stared at the screen in shock.

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