~Chapter 2~

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Arthur awoke inside the white room of the hospital about twenty minuets after Emily had left. He was met with familiar emerald green eyes that belonged to the Kirkland's .

This Kirkland was the only female of the family (now anyways), she was also amongst the youngest.

"Long time no see brother,"

"Quite, where is Miss McFarlane?"

the dark red head (although if you told her so she'd slap you round the head and claim it was actually auburn) chuckled and pointed dramatically at the clock directly across them.


"Yeah 'oh'! Honestly Arthur, ya really fainted? Just cause of the little ones?"

Well now Arthur was screwed. The Irish woman was a very maternal person when it came to her family, it seemed to her that since she was the only girl she had to look after all of them even though she herself only looked around 18-19 and a short one at that.

"Well come on then! I remember how quick taxis are taken around here, we should get back to your place already."

So together the siblings signed out of the building and found a taxi. The short journey to the vehicle was silent as was the journey. Well I say silent but Sera Kirkland had a different idea and awkwardly kept talking to her silent elder brother.

Sera Kirkland was a rather bright minded individual which matched her red hair and deep forest green eyes. Her pale complexion made her rosy cheeks and tiny freckles stand out more that just made her seem more innocent. Her t-shirt was too long in the sleeves and her bright green short skirt matched her eyes. She also wore black leggings under her skirt with her red converse shoes. Her outfits usually matched the same combinations. Overall the young woman looked adorable and harmless which she used to her advantage if she ever had to attend a world meeting. She has pretty much everyone wrapped around her finger, especially her brothers (apart from Peter who she constantly ignores or annoys). But never let the cute face fool you. If you say anything about her family where she is near, run for your life and dig a deeeeep hole for around a decade. She always respected Arthur and stopped Alistair bullying him too much with her puppy dog face. Arthur could deal with his sister but not necessarily his other siblings, Sera and Arthur always had an understanding of each other and so in turn shared a lot since her existence in the world. He would help her when she had nightmares about the IRA and when she had to choose between her kin, in return she was always there to drag him away from Alfred's birthday parties before his own nightmares haunted him or when he refused to forgive Francis for molesting him or just annoying him. She always talked it out of the 'never forgive him' plans and instead have him hints on how to control his anger and how to not get too flustered at meetings. Of course all those tips went out the window when ever France was around, those things happened a lot around the frog though so Arthur just never really realised how much an effect the Frenchman had on him ( other than getting seriously angry).

Now though everything came into perspective. Arthur knew he had a strong dislike to the stupid wine drinker but he knew it wasn't hate. He could never really hate Francis... Not even when he helped Alfred gain independence or during the hundred year war.


The taxi arrived at the apartment and already Arthur had gone in and but the kettle on for a cup of tea.

"So who's the daddy? Bet its France!"

"I can never get you to believe me when I lie, so it'd be pointless to try... Yes he's the father but he will never know it hopefully. So don't try anything!"

"I'd never dream of it Arthur"

She smirked as her tingling voice was full of mischief and laced in her Irish tone.

The two enjoyed a small meal of Shepard's pie until if was time for bed. Before then Sera had decided to have a movie night with her brother,

"God no."

"Oh come on! Seamus never does stuff with me anymore and Alistair makes me watch brave heart and then just shouts at the screen all the time! You're the only one who ever picks nice films..."

Oh good lord, she's tearing up...


And so Arthur had to sit through watching hunger games... For the 15th time this month. Again.

"Hey Artie?"


"What do you want to have?"


"You know, gender wise,"

"Oh well I'm still in a bit of disbelief if the matter, so I don't really know."

"Can I name one? Please? I promise it won't be French!"

"Of course you can, you wouldn't let me name them both would you?"

"God no! You'd name them after your past rulers or something idiotic like that! Way to predictable..."


Sera just chuckled away until the ending neared and they went up to sleep.

Or so Arthur was hoping but he couldn't sleep. At all. He stayed up all night just staring at his reflection in his floor length mirror. There wasn't much of a bump formed yet but soon he'd look like he'd eaten a balloon.

The next week came around quickly and he'd already been to see Dr Bates again. They'd decided that Arthur had to come in at least twice a week to make sure that everything was going okay. But there was a dilemma to solve. The world conference was being held tomorrow and Great Britain was the host this time around. Scotland had conveniently planned to go out with Ireland (who rarely appeared at any meetings) and it was Wales turn to watch their sister (who all of the other Kirkland's had agreed that she wouldn't go to a meeting she was unless absolutely needed to go, we all know the dangers their sweet winged angel would meet if she went too much). So England was hosting and attending the conference alone, where he'd have to face all his fellow nations. Where he'd have to see Francis...

A/N: well well, this is gunna be awkward for Arthur... So meet Sera! (Thanks anna btw) finally decided her name which means 'winged angel' apparently... Meh she's adorable plus I love the sibling bonding between her and Arthur. I think he'd be a nicer brother to a sister... So do you like the new cover or the old one better? Plus I'm so sorry for the wait for this but I needed to do some stuff before I could write this! Next chapter will probably be short as I plan to make it just the meeting really...

Anyways feel free to comment and such! And any questions then go ahead and ask them?

I do not own the awesomeness that is hetalia but I do own my OC and Emily! (Sorry if NI doesn't meet your likening and if I offended anyone!)

Also I can't write accents well enough so....

Anyways have the new design plus this short little scene...

The president of France was just finishing the phone call with the English representative and he wouldn't have believed it, if it weren't for the similar message from Spain, who he knew to be close to his personification, asking for help on the matter from Monsieur Bonnefoy since apparently he might now about the whole pregnancy thing? How? No clue, but this was a personal call to him from Señor carriedo... Not always the brightest spark out there...

"Oui, I understand the concern of the situation, I also agree that it is a private matter between both Mr Kirkland and Monsieur Bonnefoy and will not tell him of this conversation."

Quietly, the door opened, the president continued the call,

"I do hope Mr Kirkland feels good enough for the conference. Goodbye Miss McFarlane."

"What is wrong with Angleterre?"

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