Chapter 4- Christmas beginnings

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Arthur sat in his chair by the blazing fire ,in the cold frosty air. It was early morning in the Kirkland house hold that held the nation of England and his four year old twins. well that was usually the case and for now that was true. However as it was Christmas... the whole of the Kirkland family were due to arrive.
"They better bloody hurry up..."
Arthur mumbled to himself. The Twins had woken up at 5am and already were eagerly awaiting to open their gifts.
"Come on! Please can we open one? Just a small one,"
"No, neither of you can yet. Don't you want to open them with Aunty Sera? And your uncles? Besides you have already had your stockings."
The eldest twin was beginning to show a classic trait within the Kirkland family. Stubbornness which is leading to her becoming a very argumentative child that will probably know how to get what she wants, when she wants it. Unless the argument was against Arthur himself of course.

Both twins stared at him with big twinkling eyes as they tried to persuade him to let them open the mountain of gifts that taunted them beneath the tree. Deciding to sulk the youngest twin decided to turn around with a huff and just sit on her beanbag in the corner whilst hugging her cream coloured bunny teddy and pout. The twins differences were clear for anyone to see, they may both look the same but their personalities were almost opposite.

They were both girls for starters. They both had the Kirkland emerald eyes but Joanna's eyes also contained a mixture of blue and brown too. Her eyes were always slightly different coloured but the dominate colours were always emerald green and a sapphire blue. Joanna was more like Francis that her elder sibling too. Her hair was wavy and slightly shorter as well as being slightly lighter. To begin with Joanna was born a spitting image of Francis but over time her blonde hair had darkened to a dark brown but not as dark as her elder twin.
The eldest twin was a true Kirkland. She had thick eyebrows paired with deep emerald eyes. Her hair had always been a rich dark brown and all the Kirkland's agreed that she looked like their mother Britannia. Because of this Arthur decided to give her the middle name of his mother in memory of her. The eldest also had the thick, messy hair of the family that refused to be tamed. The eldest child was named by Sera as Cathasaigh or Casey for short. Though most of her close companions and family just called her Cat. Casey was the more social and dominant of the two. She was so much like Arthur that he worried she'd be too much like him and end up being too prideful. The only thing so far that showed that she was Francis' daughter was that she had already developed a similar habitat of flicking back her long locks when being overly dramatic.

Neither of the twins had met their paternal father, yet both had developed traits that resemble the Frenchman. However the twins also reminded Arthur of Alfred and Matthew with how they act towards each other. Casey was the dominant twin and relentlessly protected Joanna whilst Joanna preferred to settle things peacefully and not to use violence. Casey also showed signs of being able to use magic or at least be able to see magical beings as one day Arthur had found her twirling around and dancing ( as good as a three year old could) with a group of fairies.

Finally, the sound of arguing Kirkland's could be heard. Within a few minutes Sera and Seamus appeared in the door way of the open living room.
"Aunty Sera!"
"Uncle Shay!"
Great, Allistor had let Casey play that damn video game again. The elder twin had taken to calling Ireland by the same name of the character. She'd also called Wales Edward and refused to call him anything else. Now that he thought of it, it could've been Alfred...

"Hey squirts, ready for ya presents?"
Both of them nodded excitedly,
"Ha you mean the ones your supposed to be helping our dear brothers with?"
"Huh? Oh right! See ya in a bit squirts!"
And so after messing with the twins hair Seamus left the room.

The Kirkland's had become closer after the twins birth. Arthur hardly ever attended meetings anymore and instead usually Allistor went to them but occasionally Seamus went with him. Instead Arthur became the dedicated babysitter of his twins and the other nations children; Dante-Christopher aka Chris or Dante (it changed depending on what the child felt he wanted to be called) and occasionally he also looked after Luca, Lyle and charlie, depending on if Lucas wanted to go to the meeting and if he allowed Emil to go with Leon.

All the children of the nations were friends with each other, they all got along (mostly) and didn't really complain about their closed lifestyle.
Chris/Dante was the child of Natalia and Alfred and you'd have to be a complete twit not to see that Al was his father. Chris had the same hay gold hair and cowlick as his father and still had blue eyes but slightly darker than that of Alfred. He was energetic and never seemed to understand when Arthur's temperamental daughter was fed up with his endless running and shouting. Chris and Casey were the closest of the group (not counting siblings). More often than not you'd find the two play fighting with Lyle but the boys were gentler with their female companion (not that she needed them to) and the boy had developed a strong loyalty to his best friend and was a bit obsessive over her attention at times... Arthur knew that came from his mother.

Luca and Lyle were the two twin sons of Lucas. They both shared the same deep blue eyes as Lucas but at least these twins were easier to spot the difference between them. Luca was a lot like Lucas and strongly resembles his parent and then Lyle looked like Mattias including the gravity defying hair. Their personalities were exactly like that of Norway and Denmark and they acted like them too. The same as the Kirkland twins, the Bondevik twins had never met their other parent but seemed to be a lot more vocal about wanting to than Joanna and Cat. Lucas hadn't really visited the other Nordics but this wasn't unusual for the personification so Lucas looked less suspicious than Arthur.

Then there's little charlie, the son of Leon and Emil... He seemed a mix of the two. He had Leon's hair and Emils eyes and his personality was more like Emils than Leon's but he got on with everyone a lot better than Emil did. Charlie was four like the others and somehow had more than Emil did already...

I'm sooooo sorry for the lateness of this chapter but Christmas was annoyingly busy and plus I'm a very lasy person at times... Trying to change that but anyways here's the introduction of the current Nations Children as four year olds!
Casey/Cat&Joanna-FrUk twins
Luca & Lyle- DenNor twins
Dante-Christopher - AmeBel child
Charlie - HonIce Child!
As we go further into the story Casey will probably be referred to as Cat because it's cooler but also as part of her development as a character. some of them may change names but not for a while yet. If any changes do happen then I will note them!
As per usual any questions please ask and if you have any things you wish to see if any of the Children's childhood then I'd love to hear them to see if they can fit into later chaps! Also I don't own hetalia but my OC's are my ideas as well as friends inputs so plz don't use them without permission!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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