~Chapter 3~

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It was about quarter to eleven in the morning when Arthur arrived to the meeting room. He'd had next to no sleep and his hormones made him touchy this morning and now he'd have to deal with all the annoying twats that were like him, not to mention Francis as well. How that would go down was anyone's guess. Arthur still didn't know what to do, he could just attempt to ignore the Frenchman with his wavy golden locks and sparkling azul eyes... Damn! He needed to stop thinking like this, another side effect Arthur thought was he couldn't stop thinking about said blonde. He kept having dreams of their family all together, the twins that they once raised and the twins that were to be brought into the world.

Some nations were already in the room, including Canada cuddling up to his albino boyfriend, Greece giving glares to Turkey whilst Japan awkwardly sat in between them but if you looked closely you'd see two out of the three holding hands. What Arthur found strange was that his dear friend Lukas was not yet present but Iceland was. Where you had one of the brothers the other wasn't far away but the Norwegian was no where to be seen.
"Hey Arthur, you looked tired, eh?"
A quiet whispery voice asked him
"Mm haven't been able to sleep well lately..."
"Oh, well don't push yourself too much and Al's in the break room if your looking for him, he was looking for you too"
"Right, I'll go find him in a minute then, Matthew do you know if he's here yet?"
His tone sounded almost hopeful at the mention of Him, Arthur decided he really needed to find said frog.
"Oh umm not sure if papa is here yet sorry."
"I'll come with ya Iggy, I wanna find Toni and Francy pants anyways!"
"Don't call me Iggy."
Canada and Prussia looked at each other, England hadn't snapped wholeheartedly at the common nickname for the Brit that all knew he despised. Arthur just nodded at the albino and wandered off to the door with five minutes to spare before the meeting was due to start.

"Dude there you are! Get up late or somthin'?"
"Sought of, Matthew mentioned you wanted to speak to me?"
"Oh that" America rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly."urhhhh that can wait till later, well the meetings about to begin right? Let's hop to it then peeps!"
How can one person have so much energy on the mornings?

Turns out that France was already there. He was just surrounded by his friends and some of the female countries such as Belgium and Seychelles. The meeting went rather smoothly until it got around time for a break. However the calm atmosphere for the meeting was the fact that some countries were missing such as South Italy and Norway... None of the Nordics seemed to know where the platinum blonde man was but Iceland looked away when Arthur had asked. He decided to ask him later the same applied to Lovino.

Another reason why the meeting was fairly calm was that england himself didn't insult Alfred's idiotic ideas and neither France nor england were at each other's throats. In fact it was the opposite, they didn't speak a word to each other...

"So that's why earth shouldn't send Tony into space!"
There it was, the objection of the once great empire against his young colony.
"Dude didcha say something?"
Everyone waited for the insult that was headed towards the younger blonde but, it never happened.
"Hm? No I didn't say anything..."

That's when Francis knew something was up with his main rival. He held Pierre under the table and quickly wrote something on a piece of paper before giving it to the small bird and indicating towards the Brit.
Arthur got the note quickly before shooing away the annoying thing and opening it:

Is something wrong, ma cherie? I overheard that you were sick non? Are you okay?

The writing was in the typical writing of the Frenchman so he knew who it was.
Here was Arthur Kirkland's dilemma again:
He could tell him that he's somehow got two small beings inside of him and hope Francis would happily help raising the two with him. They'd all live happily as a family again like with Canada and America.
He could just say he's pregnant and have France laugh in his face
He could just...not tell him.

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