chapter eight

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Osaka, Japan
May 2017

The restaurant where Hoseok brought me was small, cozy, and friendly at the same time. There were less than fifteen tables, yet almost each of them were taken. It was a relief that he had made a reservation. I recalled having lunch in that restaurant once with two of my high school friends. I kept a nice memory of it.

As we sat down, I carefully removed the light vest I had put on earlier and placed it on the chair. My heart picked up in pace as I noticed my date staring at me. I acted oblivious to any kind of attention he showed towards me. It seemed that the confidence I tried to gather earlier had collapsed in no time. Hoseok's persistent gaze was enough to make me dead nervous. However, he began to notice my uneasiness and cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck, smirking a bit in the process.

"I'm sorry for staring. Again, you're really beautiful."

I could listen to that on loop.

"Thank you." I blushed

"Huh, so, have you been here already? We're close to your place after all."

"Actually, I did back in high school."

He nodded. "Did you like it? I know I did! I came here with Seokjin and Miya once, I thought you'd like it. You've once mentioned how fond you were of homemade food." I quietly agreed. "I was sure you'd like it!"

"You actually remembered that. I'm impressed." I teased him a bit.

"I saved each of your words in a section of my brain. There's a special place for you up there." he tapped the top of his head

I couldn't help but laugh. "How romantic! I would've never guessed!"

A few minutes later, a waitress had come to pick our orders then left in no time. Because I did not want to scare Hoseok with my monstrous appetite, I only asked for a plate of Yakisoba and a glass of water. If he thought I was beautiful, I would have to keep it classy and act normal. Like any average girl. A single dish, a carafe of water, and perhaps a dessert (fruits only).

Throughout the dinner, the atmosphere was growing comfortable and pleasing. Hoseok talked about his family life and childhood while I mostly spoke of mine. Also, I took the time to talk about my studies, college, and the few friends I had. We would tell each other random stories, fun facts, and lame jokes. Feeling both relaxed and familiar with each other, Hoseok and I began to really enjoy each other's presence. I particularly liked the idea of spending time with him. He was more than just a funny and handsome guy. He was caring, smart, ambitious, and understanding.

Hoseok lived alone in a flat which was too big for one person, a flat he used to share with his younger sister. The latter left a few months ago, moving with a friend with whom she had a professional collaboration, leaving her older brother by himself with a high rent to pay. He worked for a Korean record label, hence his arrival in Osaka. Business matters. He was in charge of several meetings with Japanese music producers seeking for partnerships. Even if he loved his job, he admitted he felt lonely. He never had the time to meet with his friends and despite his coworkers being kind, they were far from being genuine. Music industry is a vicious environment, he said. A world where low blows were the only way to succeed.

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