Christmas Surprise

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I wake up to someone lightly tapping my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes and turn my head to see Svea standing there.

"What's up?" I ask, rubbing my eye and rolling over to face her.

"I can't stay asleep and thought I could come in here because you always help me fall asleep." She says, fiddling with her fingers. "Can I sleep with you?" she asks after.

"Come on, get in" I croak, lifting up the blankets.

She smiles wide, sliding in next to me. I pull the blankets down over her and wiggle back a bit to give her some more room. Jonah's arms tighten around me as she also wraps her arms around me. I cuddle her body into mine and start to fall asleep again.

"I love you, Indi" Svea whispers.

"I love you too, Svea" I whisper back before falling asleep.

"baby, wake up. It's Christmas." Jonah cheers, shaking me lightly. I groan, snuggling closer into the covers. "Come on Indi. I know you are probably sore and definitely tired but you have to get into the Christmas spirit." he continues trying to get me out of bed.

"I'm sore. I don't want to move." I moaned, moving my legs up so my knees were near my chest.

"Oh, baby. I'll get a blanket from the cupboard so this one can stay on the bed and wrap you up in it, then I can take you downstairs and you can watch us open presents okay." Jonah explains, getting up.

"Okay, can you get me my vlog camera out of my bag, please?" I ask, moving up a bit.

"Sure" He grabs it out of my bag and hands it to me before going to get a blanket. I turn on the camera and start filming.

"What's up, guys? As you can tell I've just woken up. I'm tired. I'm sore. I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep but no, I can't do that." I start, looking at myself on the little screen. "Wow, I look dead inside" I announce, trying to fix my hair. "Anyway, today is Christmas and to my knowledge, everyone is downstairs waiting for me. My beloved boyfriend knows how much pain I'm in so he's gone to get me a blanket so I can cocoon myself in it and watch them unwrap presents." Jonah then walks in with my blanket.

"I got the blanket and Mum is making some coffee for you, it's one she found in the cupboard for you to try," he announces before realising that I was vlogging. "Oh, you are vlogging." he comes over and sticks his head in the frame.

"What did you think I asked for my camera for, to look at myself?" I chuckled.

"Well... I don't know" he laughs a little himself.

"Well anyway, I'm at Jonahs families house because I spend Christmas Eve with my family and Jonahs Mum asked if I could spend Christmas morning and a bit of the afternoon here. So here I am. Now we need to get downstairs." I smile and turn it off.

Then placing it on the bedside table and move out of the blankets on the bed. I move into the other blanket and Jonah helps to wrap it around me. I grab my phone before Jonah carries me downstairs. I let out a groan of pain as we get to the living room.

"Sorry, everyone. You could have started without me." I tell them as Jonah places me on the couch, resting against the arm of it.

"No, it's fine. We can wait for you." Zeb smiles at me weakly before Jonah and Ester start handing out gifts. Sawyer sat right next to me after Jonah put me on the couch, nuzzling his head against my hand.

7 different piles start to form, one with each of our gifts in it. Svea, of course, had the biggest pile of us all. Every time a present was placed on my pile, I would shake my head. I told them that I didn't need anything but I, in fact, had a pile that was quite big. All the presents were removed from the tree but one last thing was place on my pile. A stocking. I look straight at Mum, knowing this is her doing. She just raises her hands, guilty.

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