Chapter 5 •• Why Do I Feel Like This?!

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Bakugo POV-
*before Kirishima showed up

I've been climbing for around an hour now. The sun was just rising as I tracked through the large trees, varying in height.
The leaves crunch under my footing and sends relaxation through my veins before I hear a snap.
I look to my feet to see that I had stood on a stick.
Relief washed through me before I feel a pair of eyes watching me.
I hear someone take in a sudden gush of air into their lungs, as if their lives depended on it.
My eyes scan through the trees, before they land on a boy, sitting behind a tree, puffing heavily.
He had gorgeous red eyes, ones that I could look into for hours. In those eyes, i could only see pain. Red hair rested peacefully on his shoulders, where he was wearing a black tank top that was clearly wrinkled, as well as grey shorts that reached his knees.
But... he was...
"The fuck are you? You trying to climb this mountain too?" I growl out. If this guy pussies out and runs, he'll report my ass.
The man looks at me, almost threatingly, but i could see in his eyes that there was no bad intention behind that glare.
"Leave..." he says, gasping for air.
Realisation hit me like a fucking boulder.
"Are you,,,?"
But before i could finish, he was gone.
I stood there shocked, unsure of what to do next.
I turned my head to the right leading up the mountain, to see the "boy" dashing his way too the top.
Before i could think, my legs were already chasing up the mountain.
Dammit! Why is this guy so fucking fast?!
I ignored the burning sensation in my legs and continued to run after him. I got to the top of the mountain to see nothing but a clearing. A cliff to the right where you could sit and watch the sunset every night with nothing but the sky in your way, feeling above everything else in the world. I was snapped out of my thoughts as i heard a loud thud come from the other side of the cliff. I directed my gaze to the other side of the clearing, where a dark, uninviting cave was set, a forest meeting behind it.
I hesitantly walked towards it and stopped at its entrance. The light of a new day was shining quarter way into the cave, before it was met with darkness. I looked inside until the growing light revealed something... or someone.
It was the boy.
Without thinking, i rushed into the cave and knelt besides the boy. I checked his pulse and it seemed to be just fine.
"Must of fainted..." i sigh to myself.
I walk around inside the cave, darkness surrounding me. I felt a soft material hit my shoe. I bent down and picked up the soft fabric, walking it to the entrance of the cave where the light was, to confirm what it was.
The gentle rays of sun shifted onto the the red and orange blanket that was worn out with holes.
I carefully walked back to the boys side and placed the blanket over him.
I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead but  quickly removed it at the sudden heat.

Well that can't be good.

I grabbed the bag i had brought with me on this little expedition and opened the zipper as quietly as a possible.
I pulled a fresh purple hand towel and my water bottle from the bag and pushed it to the side.
I opened the cap of the bottle and soaked the now wet hand towel, before neatly folding it and pressing it to the still unconcious boys forehead.
He stirred in his sleep for a bit, mumbling something for a bit an i could help but be intrigued.
I noticed his silky long hair once again and reached my hand out towards it.
I ran my hand through his hair only to quickly retract my hand once again as he started mumbling something else in his sleep.
I gaze down at my hand shocked..
If he really has been up here for the past 300 years...
I look back to the boy to find him sitting up, the blankets now fell into his lap, staring at the entrance emotionless.
I was about to say something until he turned his head towards me and suddenly started freaking out, quickly moving to the other side of the cave.
What the honest fuck?
I sat there unamused, until i hear him faintly whisper-
"What....are you...?"
Is this guy for real?
Not gonna lie, i am very curious to see if he is actually a "demon".
"A human....? So the almighty "demon" is just some teenage guy? You sure do go through a lot of trouble to pull off some prank." I replied to matter of factly.
The boy slowly rises to his feet, using the cave wall as support.
"Leave" he says in a threatening voice.
"No." I reply sternly.
A sudden wave of silence fills the air, no one saying anything.
"Wow, gotta say I'm impressed" he suddenly says, smirking to himself.
"By what...?" I ask confused.
"You're the first person in 300 years that made it to the top of this mountain or stood their ground while talking to me." He responds, now leaning against the cave wall, toned arms and muscles crossed against his chest.
Now this certainly caught me off guard.
What the fuck am I even thinking right now!! Jesus!!
"Wait, so you're actually a demon?" I say clearly not buying it.
"Tch, knew it"
I have to say, i was pretty disappointed.
"I'm immortal"
And he smiled.
It was a huge ear to ear smile.
He had sharp shark like teeth that were a shining white, like pearls.
His smile was so big it almost touched his eyes.
His smile was like God put the entire sun, just in this boys smile.
His smile is adorable.
I would do anything to see this smile forever.
He suddenly stopped smiling and I felt sadness start to settle in my body.
"What's got you so confused?" I ask, genually interested in his answer.
"Oh nothing, just... i don't know why I'm suddenly so happy!" He said, smiling once again and i swear, I felt it pull at my heart string.
"Tch, whatever" I scoff out.
He walks over and sits directly in front of me with his arm outstretched.
"Eijiro Kirishima" he says with a small smile.
I pull the hand rested under my chin and grab his outstretched hand, shaking it lightly.
"Katsuki Bakugo"
I let go of the boy - Kirishima's - firm grip, already missing his touch.
I mean- no- GAH!, why do i feel like this?!

Hey guys, so i just wanted to quickly get a chapter out today, even if it was just the same chapter but in Bakugo;s POV, I actually tried really hard on this chapter and now i have a sore back... anyway! Please vote and comment!!! Until next time :3

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