Chapter 15 •• Eternity Without You

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I have noticed that a few comments were reported by other users and it honestly broke my heart. Please guys, if you don't like someones comment, then ignore it. if there's something that is completely unacceptable then i will handle it.

I'm kinda writing this after a dramatic experience -_-

I literally was hanging up the drawing i finished tonight (Pic above) and I heard siri turn on. So I check my phone that was on the desk i was drawing on, which is in front of a window. Mind you my rooms on the first storey. I check my phone and its not on so I literally say- "What the fuck?" and i hear siri go- "I'm sorry I do-" Before it stopped. I look in front of my OPEN window (There's a screen) , slam on the glass and scream- "BITCH" before i hear someone sprinting away. I had been drawing at that desk for 2 hours, the lamp on so i couldn't see out, but you could see in.

This was 5 min ago.

Anyways enjoy the chapter :D

Kirishima POV-

This was her plan.

They carry her into one of the small houses where she could be inspected further, treating her wounds as i sat in the tree, anger rising to my brows.

"Sir!" one of the citizens speaks to another man, the leader of the village.

They had always kept this place like how they always did, by keeping it as a small village and sending tourists away, ridding the train station that came directly to the outskirts.

"what is it?" The man speaks, obviously angered by the woman's appearance immersing from the mountain.

"We've heard news from the Heroes!!!" The man exclaims, obviously scared of the new events the "demon" has taken.



That's all I heard.

That's all I heard before I was sprinting back up the mountain.

Sprinting back to Katsuki.

Bakugo POV-

Why does her voice sound familiar.

The chick that had shown up was fighting Eijiro, and he was owning her ass.

She got mad, threw a hissy fit and then started..screaming?

I move from the tree trunk, almost exposed to the two, and shuffled over to the next tree, where i see the girl, her back to me.


Blonde hair, two buns, school uniform, that voice, that height....



She screams a blood curdling scream, dark crimson falling to the ground.

She's doing this to herself, the bitch.

Before i could step forward, i watch as she runs down the mountain in retreat, crying, Eijiro sprinting back after her.

I sprint after them and back down the mountain, until i see Eijiro perched in a tree, a look of such anger reached his eyes that it even shook me, before his face was mixed with worry and he began jumping and sprinting from tree to rocks, back up the mountain.

Jesus Christ.

So what did I do?

I ran back up the mountain.

Kirishima POV-

I glided from tree to tree, rocks to rock, until after 20 minutes, i finally reached the top of the mountain.


Where was he?

I run to the centre of the clearing, my eyes darting back and forth,  but still no sign of the explosive boy.

I searched everywhere, the cave, the mattress, heck, i even ran all the way to the waterfall and back but still no sign of him.

I sat next to the cold and died out fire pit, awaiting the heroes to come and take me away.

Or to kill me.... not that they could.

I would spend the rest of my life in eternal suffering and torture.

I sat with my legs crossed, my hands in my lap and my head hung low.


I hear someone burst through the remaining trees and bushes, and i didn't even look up, bracing myself for a rough impact.

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!" I heard someone scream.


I whip my head towards him, immediately jumping to my feet and running towards him.

"I thought you had left!!" I screamed, actually relieved that he didn't leave without a trace like everyone else.

"Why the fuck would I leave without saying anything dumbass?"

"Because of the heroes!!!!"


"HOLY SHIT KATSUKI YOU HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!!! THEY'RE COMING AND I CAN'T LET YOU RUIN YOUR REPUTATION OF BECOMING A HERO!!!!" I scream, grabbing his bag and stuffing all his things inside, zipping it up and shoving it into his arms.



I stared at him with pleading eyes.

I mean..... He's my soulmate..... why would i let anything happen to him?

He stared at me with the same pleading eyes, begging for me to not push him away.

"I'm sorry... but please don't forget me.. ok...?" I whisper, tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

A long wave of silence had washed us both away.


Oh Katsuki... I probably won't be here the next time you climb this mountain...

He grabs his bag, and begins walking away, down the mountain and out of sight.

I fall to my knees, tears streaming down my cheeks as i hold back soft cries.

The boy who would cure me.

The boy who is my soulmate.

The one i have suffered and longed for.

Is walking away from my eternal life.

Perhaps i will spend another eternity without you...


Word count- 904

I know its a short chapter but the next chapter i have big things planned soooooo,

comment, favourite and follow!!!!!


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