Chapter 20 •• Preperations

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I don't know what to say for the beginning of this chapter.


Kirishima POV-

Everyone gathered into the Heroes limo, choosing a seat to rest after the massive climb they all underwent. Principal Nezu sat at the front of the long stretch of seats, sitting under the window that joined the driver from its passengers.

The line came down as to Nezu's left sat Midnight, across from her was Vlad. Next, Aizawa layed huddled in his sleeping back situated next to Midnight, while All Might shared company with Vlad.

Me and Katsuki?

We sat at the very end, of course, seated together. Instead of facing inward like the other 4 heroes, we faced the center, the same as Nezu.

I couldn't help but feel the rise of excitement as the vehicle bumped along the road further and further, awaiting the destination of the prestigious high school.

"Now Kirishima." Nezu's eyes raise from the papers he had taken upon inspection, catching every ones attention.

"First things first, when we arrive at U.A, you will follow Aizawa, All Might and myself to my office to fill out some paperwork. As for Midnight and Vlad, please escort Mr. Bakugo back to his dorm." Nezu smiled softly, his gaze peering through the pages that pooled on his small legs.

"Why can't I go with Eijiro!?" Katsuki grumbles as his eyebrows furrow.

"Because like it or not, you're still going to be punished for giving false information on your where about's over the weekend. If something happened and the villains got you again, we wouldn't know because you weren't where you told everyone you'd be." Aizawa bellowed, his eyes half lidded. Exhaustion radiated from him as if the worn out yellow sleeping bag couldn't absorb any more of the leaking dreadfulness.

Katsuki's eyes softened and the glare was replaced with a look of emptiness.

"Aizawa, don't be so harsh on the boy." All Might interrupted, also noticing the decrease in Katsuki's attitude.

The car halted in its tracks, the sign that the destination was finally reached.

One by one, each hero rose and exited the vehicle.

I peered over to Katsuki, as his eyes were captivated by the floor.

"Come on Katsuki, let's go!!" I smile as wide as i could. Hopefully it's enough to comfort him for now.

His eyes rise to meet mine as they widen open, letting me see the full extent of his crimson red eyes.

"Yeah, let's go." He half whispers, the smallest of smiles making his way onto his face as we both step out of the Limo and onto the concrete path. We stood just outside of the gates, the large school in front of my eyes. The school had changed so much in the last time i had seen it.

Glass windows adorned the school with every spec, reflecting everything that came to it. The afternoon sun was shining magnificently onto the prestigious school, adorning it with soft glows of yellows and oranges, but the mixes of light shades of red and pink dusted their ways over the rest. The building was shaped as 2 H's that were all connected, the big red brick that led to 3 main doorways that read, 1, 2 and 3. It was finished with a large security fence squaring off the school, gorgeous green trees adorned the inside, reminding me of the place i previously called 'home'.

"Now, let's head for my office." Nezu speaks, stepping ahead of everyone as Aizawa and All Mights take their places beside me. We start to walk towards the main doors when i flip my head over my shoulder to peer back to Katsuki who was now being taken away by Midnight and Vlad.

"I miss him already..." I mumble under my breath as a frown finds its way to my lips.

"You'll see him soon." All Might whispers back to me with a sly smirk, trying to hide his small chuckles.

All i could do was cover my flaming cheeks with the palms of my hands, praying that no one had seen them.

We walked through one of the many doors, the halls of U.A were deserted at the reminder of school that would take place the next day. We took turns and twists, ups and downs, it all made me dizzy. How am i ever going to learn to navigate my way around this school??

We finally halted at a door that read "principle" as Nezu used his tiny paws to slide the door open, stepping in while myself, Aizawa and All Might followed. Nezu bounced his way to his desk and onto his chair as Aizawa motioned for me to take a seat in front of the slack of wood, the two heroes gazes were set on the principle as they stood behind me, Nezu rummaging through the bottom draws.

"Here it is!" He released victoriously, placing the sheet of paper onto the hard wood of his desk, sliding both the paper and a pen to me as my eyes scanned the paper, reading its contents.

"Please fill out this question sheet of your personal details, if you are able to un-answer, please leave blank."

My eyes wavered over the paper, gripping the pen into my hand as i begun to answer the following questions.

NAME- Eijiro Kirishima


I frowned at the very thought of my immortal age that would look horrendous on any government paper.

"You mentioned the age you were cursed with Immortality was 17, you can just place that down." All Might spoke from over my shoulder.

I gave a quick nod as i jotted the word onto the paper.

AGE- 17



QUIRK- Hardening.


I can Harden any part of my body simultaneously to match the consistency of a rock, i do not take physical damage from any attacks while using my quirk. The longest time i can hold while in battle without stopping is 2 hours and 43 minutes. I am like a walking set of Armour. As well as this, i have the power of immortality, any physical injury conflicted onto me while my quirk is not activated, will not have any effect on me either.



I filled out the rest of the sheet, signing my name at the bottom to show my approval of the school rules and such, sliding the paper back to Nezu.

"Wonderful!!" Nezu cheered.

"However, you still must show us a physical demonstration of your quirk." All Might chimed in, placing a hand onto my shoulder.

"Of course! Today at 16:00 ground Beta, Eijiro Kirishima will hold his entrance exam. Until then you may stay in one of the unoccupied offices to prepare."

"Thank you." I whispered, standing as All Might and Aizawa led me to a room where food was displayed onto the table, a long couch, a spare sports uniform as well as a connected bathroom.

I collapsed onto the sofa, smiling like a dork as i thought.

'I'll be happy again..'


Word count- 1225

Can you guys tell the ending was rushed?


Anyway, would anyone care if i posted my drawing as the header shits for each chapter?

idk you guys seemed to like my Kirhsima from my first chapters.



Why you guys discussing guns and what grenades to use???????]


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