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Yena's POV

I wake up at 8 in the morning. I look at the mirror and my eyes is really red because of my crying scene yesterday. But from now on, I'll avoid him if that's the right thing...

I walk downstairs and I saw them eating breakfast...

"Good morning Yena-ssi, come and eat with us." Eomma said and I smiled...

I sat on the table beside Joshua. I feel his foot hitting mine but I ignore it. I don't want to talk to him unless it's about for family...

I don't want to reveal my weakness anymore. I just need to accept that he's not mine anymore. I need to give him to eomma as my wedding gift...

"Yena-ssi, why did you woke up this late but yesterday you sleep so early?." Eomma asked while chewing her food...

"I don't know eomma, maybe I'm a heavy sleeper. And you don't need to ask me about that." I replied without looking at her...

"Oh BTW, I need to go to our company today. You two will stay with Joshua. And Yena, if I found out again that your arguing with my husband. Make sure that I'll flip your bones." She warned me but I rolled my eyes...

"Don't worry eomma, I'll be nice towards him. And sorry about the other days." I replied still not looking at Joshua because I know he's looking at me...


"Jagi-ah, take a look on my daughter. I'll be right back in the afternoon. And also, I'll buy our lunch so you don't need to ask Yena to cook some food." I heard eomma's voice and I saw that she kissed Joshua's cheek. Ew!...

Joshua closed the door and he faced me. I gave him a smile and I stood up. I was about to go to my room when he grabbed my wrist...

"Yena, can we talk?." He asked concern and I look at my wrist...

"How can we talk if you're holding my wrist so tight." I said and he let go of my wrist...

"So, what do you want to talk about." I asked he hold my hand but I slapped his hand away...

"Why are you being like this Yena! You're not talking to me since yesterday. What's your problem? Are you ignoring me?." He asked and I sighed...

"Why do you care huh! Your not even my dad, so don't act like you care for me because you are not my dad. Your just my eomma's husband." I replied...

"Dad? Do you think I'll let myself to be your dad? Never Yena! I care for you because you are my girlfriend." He said and I chuckled...

"Girlfriend? Oops! I'm sorry if I didn't tell you that I'm not your girlfriend anymore. You are my mom's husband and a stranger to me." I said and he sighed...

"Yena tell me why are you doing this to me! You promised me that we can continue our relationship even if I'm married to your mom. Then what happened, your ignoring me and your saying that you are not my girlfriend anymore! What is your problem." He asked while looking at me...

"My problem is you Joshua! I don't want to date you anymore! I also realized that I'm your mistress if I continue this! Just accept the fact that we can't be together. Try to love my mom because she really love you." I yelled and made an anger face in front of him...

"What a nice excuse Yena! Your so good in making a nice st a stupid excuse! I won't love your mom because I already have you. This is just an arranged marriage ok! Don't think of something else." He yelled back and I slapped him...

"I'm not making an excuse Joshua! I'm saying my whole reason. And I want to give you some rules. First, don't talk to me unless it's important. Second, do not call me jagiya or anything else. And last, just pay your attention to me as a stranger because we aren't together anymore." I said and he remain silent. I rolled my eyes before leaving him in the living room...


My Mother, My Rival (SVT Joshua/Jisoo)Where stories live. Discover now