C18:Double Date

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Author's POV

"Unnie! Do I look good?." Chaemi asked as she barged in into Yena's room...

"Omo! My sister is really perfect

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"Omo! My sister is really perfect. BTW, where you going?." Yena asked...

"Well, me and Kihyun are going on a date today. And also, I set some dates for you." Chaemi said and Yena laughed...

"What! Date for what? I don't want to have a blind date." Yena asked...

"Here! Wear this. Kihyun also want to bring you because I told him that you're always lonely and alone. And, I'll introduce you to your date partner." Chaemi said and Yena looked at the dress that Chaemi gave...

"O-ok fine! Besides, it's your treat anyways so I'll join." Yena replied and picked the dress...

"I'll wait you downstairs unnie." Chaemi said and leaved Yena...

"Uh! Do I really need to have a blind date. Well, I guess this blind date will cool my mind." Yena said and started dressing...


"Chaemi-ah, I'm done. Can you please look at me." Yena walked from downstairs...

"Unnie! You don't need to asked me because you are so blooming

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"Unnie! You don't need to asked me because you are so blooming. And, I know your partner will be shock if he saw you." Chaemi said and smiled at her sister...

"Please tell me who is my partner so that I can be more comfortable. I don't want to wait anymore." Yena said but Chaemi winked at her...

"It's a surprise unnie! Come with us and we were taking our double date in the mall or whatever you wanted to go." Chaemi said and grabbed Yena's wrist...


"Were here unnie!." Yena looked everywhere and she smiled...

"Where is Kihyun? You said he's here too with my partner?." Yena asked and Chaemi chuckled...

"Ayieh! Seems you're so excited to meet you're partner. But don't worry unnie, Kihyun and your partner will be here." Chaemi replied while Yena rolled her eyes...

"Babe! I'm here, sorry if we're a bit late." The sibling turned around they saw Kihyun with...


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"Joshua?." Yena asked while Joshua smiled...

"W-what are you doing here? And, how did you know Kihyun?

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"W-what are you doing here? And, how did you know Kihyun?." Yena asked but the couple just smirking at them...

"Kihyun brought me here because he want to bring me on a blind date. How about you? Why are you with Chaemi?." Joshua asked back...

"Because Chaemi told me that I will join their date. And, I'm here to meet my partner on my date." Yena replied and Kihyun laughed...

"Don't be so dramatic guys, Joshua will be your partner for this date Yena-ssi. And, Chaemi told me that your so lonely in your house that's why I pleaded her to find your partner on a date that I set. And, she choose Joshua but I don't know why." Kihyun explained and their jaw dropped...

"BTW, I can't wait. Let's go guys, Joshua I want you to hold unnie's hand and act normal." Chaemi said and winked at her sister...

Chaemi and Kihyun walked away but Yena remained silent in one corner with Joshua. She can't believe what her sister did...

"So? Can we go now?." Joshua asked and he offered his hand...

"Oh sure, let's follow them." Yena replied shyly and gladly accept his hand...

I still can't believe that Joshua is my partner in this date. But I'm pissed with Chaemi and Kihyun. My feelings for him is now growing again...

"Are you ok Yena?." Joshua asked snapping my thoughts back...

"Oh yeah! Let's focus on our date." Yena replied and looked away...

Joshua can't see her red cheeks. In Joshua's mind, he wanted to thank Chaemi for setting his date and Yena is his date partner...


Chaemi and Kihyun are watching Joshua and Chaemi's moment...

"So? What is the reason why you set Joshua as your sister's date partner. And, I also heard that Yena noona is getting married." Kihyun asked but Chaemi rolled her eyes...

"I know Joshua is the man who can make Yena unnie smile again. Look at them, Unnie is smiling and I'm happy to see her in that way. And, she doesn't love her fiance because it was all an arranged marriage that eomma made." Chaemi replied and she continue watching the two old couple...


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