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Yena's POV

"Thank you Kihyun for giving us a ride." He smiled before giving Chaemi a kiss on her cheeks while my sister blush...

"Joshua, thank you for making my day complete." I smiled at him but Chaemi coughed...

"Hey old lovebirds! Enough with this nonsense. You two look so sweet." Chaemi spoke from behind but I chuckled...

"Why? I'm just saying thank you to him. Is it bad Chaemi?." I asked and she shook her head without removing her smile...

"Let's go inside, I forget that eomma is half day in her work. I bet she's waiting inside." She said and we opened the door...

Our jaw dropped when eomma gave us an angry look, same as Joshua. We remain quiet but eomma broke the silence...

"My god Joshua! I've been calling you many times but you didn't pick up or answer one of my calls! Where have you been?." Eomma asked Joshua with an angry tone...

"I-I treat your daughters to go on the mall because they are not working anymore. And sorry if I didn't answer one of your calls. My phone is on silent mode, mianhae." Joshua answered and he looked down...

"Okay! Forget what I said earlier. I want you all to gather here. And Yena, your going to have a romantic date with Minseok tomorrow. And also, your wedding will be held in this week so I want you to be prepared." Eomma said and my heart stopped beating...

"Why so sudden eomma? I mean, me and Minseok aren't friends or close yet and our wedding will be held in this week? This is unbelievable." I complained...

"This is not unbelievable Yena! You know, I haven't heard from your mouth the word yes! All I heard was an unbelievable excuse. Will you please give me what I want." She said and I clenched my fist...

"I gave everything to you eomma but you didn't notice it. I gave you everything, appa's freedom! My whole trust. And mostly, my boyfriend. Is that all enough!." I yelled because I can't take it anymore...

"What, you gave me your boyfriend? Are you crazy Yena? You don't have any boyfriend. And, if you have one. I won't steal him from you if I have Joshua in my life." She complained and I chuckled...

"Of course it's Joshua! Eomma, your husband is my boyfriend before I find out that your going to marry him. I made myself cry in the whole day because it's unbelievable. My whole body hurts when he kissed you on your wedding day. I tried to let him go but I can't. His face keep lingering in my mind. And I didn't tell you that I have a boyfriend before. But it's true, you fell in love with Joshua or should I say my ex-boyfriend!. Are you happy now eomma? I guess it's time to tell you the truth." I explained with my tears escaping from my eyes but Chaemi and Joshua stood there speechless...

"Yena, your jokes aren't working anymore. Joshua didn't even know you and he won't even bother to have a girlfriend like you because you're not normal from your mind down to your attitude." She yelled back but I shook my head...

"Say all you wanted to say eomma! But one more thing, why won't you asked your beloved husband about his past." I said and eomma looked at Joshua...

"Is it true Joshua? Your dating my daughter before we met?." Eomma asked and Joshua sighed before nodding...

"Yes Minji! Yena is my ex-girlfriend. We are a better couple before but she broke up with me because she want you to be happy. And also, I still love your daughter." Joshua said weakly but eomma immediately slapped him...

"How dare you! Why didn't you tell me that you were dating Yena before. I knew it Joshua, I have a bad feeling when your chasing Yena. So that feeling is you still love my daughter! Why did you do this to me! Why Yena? Why did you choose her. I'm your wife Joshua! I should be the one who owns your heart not my daughter!." Eomma yelled while sobbing...

"Because my heart doesn't want you Minji! In the first place, I really don't like you. I agreed to this marriage because I can stay with Yena and date her without you knowing it. But your daughter really want me to love you and be with you. But I can't, I still love Yena and my decision is final. I don't love you." He said and he received another slap from eomma...

"You are all liar! I gave you all of my trust Joshua but you waste it. I also gave you my heart but your heart beats for someone which is Yena. And you Yena, I can't believe that my own daughter would be my rival for this one guy. And from now on, I never consider you as my daughter." Eomma left her words and she walked away while crying...

I cried too but I didn't feel guilty for telling eomma the truth. She deserve to know because she doesn't know my feelings. I don't want to marry Minseok because I still love Joshua...

Chaemi came to me and hugged me. I looked at Joshua but he walked away. I guess he is mad at me because I spill the truth to my own mother...

Forgive me please, I just can't control my feelings...


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