Ch1: Spotting

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Rogue's pov

I walked around the market with Sting who seemed very enthusiastic about the things in the stalls, especially the food. "Fro wants a lollipop. Can Fro have a lollipop?" Frosch asked, pointing at a stall that was selling all kinds of sweets and cakes. I sighed but walked over, buying a lollipop for him.

He took the lollipop happily and begun to lick it, his tail swishing. I let his head and went to go find Sting when I heard a laugh hit my ears. I turned around to find the source of the laugh and spotted Gajeel in the crowd, laughing about something.

I looked at who was with him and recognised Juvia Lockser and Totumaru from when I had admired Phantom Lord as a kid. They were always in sorcerer weekly when ever Phantom Lord was mentioned along with Gajeel and the other two members of the element four.

The Girl I didn't recole seeing but she looked very similar to Gajeel. They had the same hair colour and style, same eyes and same face piercings. She was wearing a grey shirt with a red jacket, one sleeve was ripped with a piece of metal armer over her arm and she had black ripped jeans.

My heart rate instantly sped up at the sight of her and my checks heated up. I felt a sudden burst of emotions that I had never felt towards anyone. I looked over the group.

From her appreance, I could guess that she was related to Gajeel, a sibling probably since she looked like a gender swapped version of Gajeel. I then looked at the other two members. Juvia I knew instantly wasn't interested in her since I knew she always spoke about Gray so she clearly wasn't a threat.

I looked at Totumaru. He was very close to her. In fact, they were standing so close that their shoulders touched. I watched the two closely. Something didn't sit right with me. They didn't seem like just friends.

I found Sting and asked him to watch Frosch while I followed the group. Eventually, Gajeel and Juvia left leaving the other two alone.

The moment the other two left, Totumaru planted a kiss on her forehead as she let our a soft giggle. I growled. 'I knew something wasn't right with those two. They must be dating. I can't have that. She belongs to me' I thought. I listened in to the conversation.

"Come on Totu. What have I told you about kisses in public" she whined at him. "But its just how I show I love you. If I stopped how would you know I loved you. Answer me that Star" he replied, trailing a hand along her cheek.

"By kissing me in private. Not public" 'Star' replied. He just laughed. At that moment I knew what I had to do. I followed them until I saw Totumaru split from 'Star' and followed him to his house. Once I saw where his house was, I went back to my shared house with Sting.

I walked in as Sting looked up from the Lacrima vision he had been watching. "Oh hey Rogue. Did you do whatever you needed to do?" he asked. "Yeah but I have some other stuff to do. I'll be in my room" I explained, walking into the room.

I pulled out a notebook, a pencil and some old articles on Phantom Lord that I still had and sat at my desk. I looked over the articles and out of everything and only found 1 thing and it wasn't even very large so I understood how I could have skimmed over it as a child.

I found out that her name was Starlight Redfox and that she was related to Gajeel with the same magic as him but that was it. It was like she didn't want to be known or she just wasn't popular at the time.

Once I had found this out, I opened my notebook and grabbed my pen. It was time to devise a plan to eliminate Totumaru. I had to make sure that there was no evidence that it was me so I couldn't use magic but I'd have to magic sure not to leave any fingerprints on my weapon.

"I've got it. I'll buy a new Katana and make sure no one recognises me. I'll wear gloves so that I won't leave fingerprints on my weapon in case I drop it then sneak into his house and kill him. I'll clean my clothes in a stream and bring spares so that it won't look suspicious as to why I'm cleaning clothes when there has just been a murder and just dry them in my bathroom. Simple as that" I whispered, writing the information down.

Once I had finished, I hid the notebook in my room so that someone wouldn't find it then lay down on my bed, closing my eyes and going to sleep.

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