Ch9: Suspicion

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Gajeel's pov

I sat in the guild Hall, trying to figure out who would want to take Starlight and kill Totumaru, Jet and Droy. The guild was very quite and no one was messing about. Probably because of the murders.

I got up and walked out of the guild Hall, still trying to piece everything together. "Oi. Metal brain. Where are you going?" Salamander yelled, running out of the guild Hall. "To think" I replied plainly.

I was walking around the practically empty streets. Everyone wass scared to go out of their houses with the murderer on the loose. The council was also very worked up on finding Starlight, saying that if we found her, we could find the one responsible for all this.

"Why are you still following me?" I asked, turning to face Salamander. "To see where you go. One can't be too careful right now" he replied. I grumbled in annoyance before straighting when I caught another scent.

It was Lightbulb and Raios. 'What are they doing in Magnolia. Doesn't Lightbulb have a guild to run' I thought. I followed the scent while Salamander was yelling at me to come back.

"Ssh" I growled, crouching down n eat an alleyway. Both Sting and Rogue were there. I stayed quite. Rogue was saying something to Sting but what was strange was the distance between them. Sting stood a good few feet away from Rogue but I didn't know why.

Rogue suddenly grabbed onto the collar of Sting's jacket and pinned him to the wall. I couldn't see Rogue's face but Sting's showed fear. Suddenly he dropped him and backed up a little.

"Sorry about that Sting. You just annoyed me. Make sure you leave the organising to me in future" Rogue stated, loud enough for us to hear this time. Sting looked confused.

Rogue said something quietly and Sting's eyes instantly darted to where Salamander and I were. He saw us then looked back at Rogue. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I can be so stupid sometimes" Sting fake laughed. The two then walked off somewhere.

I thought about that and then things started to click in my brain.


"T-they had r-red eyes but that's a-all I saw. I-it was too d-dark to see p-properly" Starlight whispered, her eyes darting towards us dragon slayers. She had fear in her eyes when she did this. I thought it was just her looking for reassurance and didn't think much of it.


"Hey Starlight. Are you alright?" I asked, sitting next to her on the couch. She averted her gaze but nodded. "I understand that your scared. You saw Totumaru killed in front of you and the murderer wants something from you. You can talk to me about it if it will make you feel better" I told her.

She shook her head. I sighed. "Could I sleep with you tonight?" she asked which surprised me. We hadn't shared a bed since we were in Phantom Lord. "Alright" I sighed. "Could we also keep a light on?" she asked. I was confused but agreed.

*End of Flashback*

"Snap out of it Metal brain" Natsu growled. "Raois is the killer" I muttered. "What? Don't say stuff like that" he growled. I got up and began to look around for Raios.

Natsu kept following me, telling me to stop but I had to find him. I eventually caught his scent in an abandoned alleyway far from the guild.

I looked into the alleyway and saw both him and Sting. I grabbed Rogue and pinned him to the wall. "Where's Starlight?!" I snarled, tightening my grip on his shoulders.

"I don't know what your talking about" he feigned innocents. "Don't pretend! Where is she?!" I growled, digging my hands deeper into his shoulders.

Salamander was yelling something but I didn't hear it. Rogue's straight face twisted into a large grin as he lowered his head. His body was shaking but not in fear. He was laughing.

He suddenly disappeared and reappeared over the other side of the alley. "I knew you would figure it out sooner or later. Guess that means I have to dispose of you both. Can't have you telling everyone about what happened" he growled.

"Sting knows" Natsu objected. "Yeah. But he won't sell me out. I made sure of that" he laughed. "We've beaten you before. We can do it again" Natsu growled.

He ran forward, fire on his hand in preparation to attack Rogue but in response he got a katana through the abdomen. Rogue removed it and Natsu staggered back, clutching the wound which was pooling blood.

I sent an attack at Rogue which he used his shadows to dodge then he took one of the bits of metal from my attack. "Dragon slayers can only be hurt by what they produce of their own element which means your metal will hurt you" he stated, stabbing one of the peices of metal into my shoulder, pinning me onto the wall.

I held back a cry of pain as Rogue turned to face Natsu. He covered his free hand in fire and was ready to punch Rogue but he had other plans.

He swung his Katana up and cut off Natsu's arm, blood splattering on his face. He looked utterly demonic. Sting just coward in a corner, not going near Rogue. I now understood why Sting was keeping his distance from Rogue.

Natsu staggered back before he was kicked to the ground by Rogue. Rogue pinned him down with one foot and lifted up his Katana again. He swung it and cut Natwu's head clean off, blood spurting everywhere.

"What a shame. He was a pretty strong mage. Its too bad that I had to kill him" Rogue sighed, running his hands through his blood stained hair.

He was covered in blood and none of it was his. "What the hell happened to you!" I growled. "Simple. I'm making sure no one takes my queen from me" he growled in response.

He walked forward and lifted the sword up to my neck. "Rogue wait" Sting called. Rogue turned around. "What?!" he snapped which made Sting flinch.

"If you killed Gajeel then wouldn't that make Starlight unhappy" he pointed out. Rogue froze, clearly in thought. "You have a point there" he mumbled to himself then turned to me.

"I'll let you live but you are not to mention this to anyone" he told me. "Like hell I would" I growled. "Levy Mcgarden right?" he asked randomly.

"What?" I asked, panic sweeping over me. "You like her don't you. It would a shame if something were to happen to her" he stated, looking at the blade of his Katana.

"You wouldn't dare!" I growled. "Keep quite and do as I say and she'll live. Disobey me or tell someone about this. I kill her" he stated. I froze, my breath catching in my throat.

Rogue laughed darkly. "Don't worry about Starlight. She's fine" Rogue explained. "Didn't you stab her the other day?" Sting pointed out. Rogue whipped round to face him.

"Do you want me to stab you" he threatened. Sting curled up in on himself more. He then turned to me. "I would go with listening to me if I were you" he growled before scratching his katana over my right eye. I bit my tongue to hold in a cry. "Sting. We're going" Rogue growled as Sting got up and followed Rogue quickly, leaving me in the allley, pinned to a wall and bleeding.

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