Ch13: Exposed

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Levy's pov

I walked with Gray, Erza, Gajeel and Lucy over to Sabertooth's guild Hall. Erza had got a good hit of the attacker and we were going to see if Rogue had the injury. Gajeel stayed very close to me, probably looking out for a surprise attack.

I couldn't blame him for being cautious. One of his friends was killed, his sister was kidnapped, he had to watch Natsu get killed, was almost killled by Rogue and was blackmailed to keep quite.

We got to the guild and saw Rufus, Orga and Yukino talking with Sting and Rogue. As we got closer, I heard what they were talking about.

"You trying a new look or something. I've never seen you with your fringe on the left side before" Rufus told Rogue. "Yeah. Just trying something new" Rogue replied.

I noticed that his fringe had been flipped onto the other side of his face and it hadn't been done last night or carefully. The fringe kept trying to ggo back onto its usual side and Rogue kept pushing it back a bit.

"Oh. It's some Fairy tail members. What are you guys doing here?" Orga asked. "We were attacked last night and came to check on you" Erza explained, making eye contact with Rogue.

"You don't need to worry. We're all fine" Yukino adviced. "Have any of you noticed any unusual behaviour amongst any of your guild mates?" Gray asked. They all shook their heads.

I noticed that Rogue was standing awfully close to Sting and it looked like he had one hand behind Sting.

"Rogue. Have you noticed anything ususual?" Erza asked, approaching Rogue. "Can't say that I have" Rogue replied.

"Can you tell us where you were last night?" Gray asked, walking up beside Erza. "I was in my flat. Sting was there too. Just ask him" Rogue stated, looking at Sting.

"Yeah. He was there" Sting agreed. Erza looked at Gray before flicking Rogue's fringe back onto its usual side, revealing a long scar over his eye. "Then where did you get that?" Erza asked.

"I...... Accidentally cut myself this morning" Rogue replied. He looked over at Sting who nodded in agreement. Gajeel stayed close to me, watching Rogue's free hand carefully.

I noticed that his right hand was slowly wrapping around the handle of a weapon and it was hidden slightly by his cape.

I walked over to Gray and whispered in his ear. He nodded and slowly edgedd towards Sting. Rogue was following Gray with his eyes as he did this.

At this point, everyone in the Sabertooth guild had their full attention on us. It was very apparent that no one was standing behind Sting or Rogue which made it even more suspicious about what Rogue was doing with his hand behind Sting.

Once Gray was close enough, he grabbed Sting's wrist and pulled him away from Rogue's reach, a pocket knife getting knocked out of Rogue's hand, falling to the floor.

There was a tiny blood stain on the blade's tip as everyone started muttering to themselves about why Rogue would be holding a pocket knife up to their guild master.

"Why don't you explain what you were doing with a knife to your supposed best friend's neck" Gray challenged. Rogue didn't answer, only flicked his gaze between all the people in the room.

He did this for a few minutes before his grip on the weapon tightened. He narrowed his eyes and drew his weapon, cutting the side off Sting's neck who fell to the ground, clutching the bleeding wound.

Gajeel quickly backed up as far as possible, taking me with him as Gray, Erza and some of Sabertooth's members prepared to fight him for attacking their guild master.

"Rogue. Did you really kill all those people?" Yukino asked in disbelief. Rogue began laughing, shoulders shaking as the sound came out dark and menacing.

"Alright. You caught me. I did it. I killed all of them" he admitted but it was definitely not guilty sounding. He sounded proud of his crimes. He'd lost his mind.

"You won't get away with this" Erza told him, summoning a sword. "You. Stand by Sting's side, protecting him when he's guilty too. I may have killled but he's the one who kidnapped my queen" he laughed. Everyone was confused before Gajeel spoke up.

"He's talking about Starlight" he advised. Erza went to attack but Rogue melded with the shadows and made a break for it. "He'll be heading to the flat..... That's where she is......" Sting explained, panting slightly.

"Someone get him a doctor. We're going to get Rogue" Erza ordered. Sabertooth mages began helping Sting as Yukino, Rufus and Orga showed us to Sting and Rogue's flat.

When we got there, it was quite. Gajeel sniffed the air and growled. "He was here but he isn't anymore" He growled before looking around the house.

He stopped in front of one door and growled. "Starlight was here too. Her scent is mostly around this room here but she's not here anymore either. They got away" Gajeel growled.

We headed back to the Sabertooth guild amdd alerted the council what was going on. A few hours later, magic speakers started speaking out about something. We all listened.

"Citizens of Fiore, it has come to the attention of the council that the murderer who has been terrorising the streets of Fiore is none other than Sabertooth's Rogue Cheney.

If you see this man. Do not approach. We repeat. Do not approach"

I looked at the others. Rufus grabbed a remote and turned on the TV in the guild which showed a live news report that was being broadcast through out the country.

"In most recent news, the murderer of the most recent murders, Totumaru, Jet, Droy and Natsu Dragneel as well as the kidnapping of Starlight Redfox has been discovered to be none other than Sabertooth's Rogue Cheney.

The council is preparing to send out a team to apprehend the criminal.


Things were turning bad, real fast and there was nothing any of us could do. We just had to wait and see.

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