58 | a sailor's paradise

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Hey, moon.

How are you?

It's been a while since I last saw you, hasn't it?

You look dazzling tonight. All those craters that you had suffered are already healing, aren't they? You're not perfect though, but your presence has been healing me in some type of way too. Perhaps both of us can relate in some ways in a peculiar term.

Look at those stars around you. They're looking at you, watching you, admiring you. They didn't just shine for themselves, but they sparkle for you. You cast the moonlight over the world in the starry night. The light that gave us hope, gave Vincent Van Gogh an inspiration to paint you along with the stars from the view of his ward window, painting in a healing place like you and me.

I have craters like you too. Sometimes an umbra like yours too, but the nights are getting better thanks to you and maybe, something else too.


Her gaze averted from the lucent moon, glancing back to see her father holding the door open.

"They're about to start," he said, referring to the gathering inside. "Better come in before Jack Frost nipping at your nose."

A soft chuckle left her lips, a misty fog escaping into the winter breeze as she turned around fully, stepping towards the café doors. "You read that story once when I was three."

"It's a good joke for the season at least."

"You mean horrible dad jokes," Sakura rolled her eyes before she stepped inside the warm, cosy café with the vicinity of coffees and cakes.

Blackbox was currently filled with a bunch of people, mainly relatives of Haru and Akari's mother. Part of the café was decorated with mistletoes, red and green ribbons while the Christmas tree was displayed at the vacant corner of the café, glowing lights and ornaments adorning the tree. Sora, Yui and Riku were with their parents as well, conversing at the side as the trio waved at Sakura as she passed by. Everyone else was gathered in a semi-circle as Haru caught everyone's attention with a cup and spoon.

"Thank you, everyone—for coming to this gathering, except that I didn't expect these many visitors," she chuckled, putting away the dainty cup. "Welcome, friends and family to this new year's eve gathering which marks to new beginnings for us and Blackbox. Blackbox's business has been going well for the past year and a half, and that's thanks to my grandma who supported and inspired me to pursue my dreams." Claps erupted as Haru smiled at an old lady sitting beside where she stood, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Let's not forget Akari, whom I am proud to call her my best friend who never fails to help me in my struggles. Sakura, who is the backbone of our success that puts a smile on everyone's faces with her talents." A wide grin crawled on her lips when Haru looked in her way. "And Reo.. who never fails to guide me and inspire me." Haru glanced at Reo, who Sakura didn't notice he was already standing beside her, staring at each other for a moment as he smiled faintly. As she observed the moment, her gaze slowly dragged over their hands—intertwined.


The last time Sakura heard about the two was when Haru was a damsel in distress whereas Reo was nowhere to be seen. They were like flickering stars back then. One thing she knew was that Reo can be dense sometimes, but maybe he wasn't. He could be just trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't. But maybe, even though Sakura didn't really know, he finally let the world nudge him out of it.

"There may be days when we struggled to find our way in life. Struggles that could stop you from achieving what you want in life. Careers, family or happiness or anything that makes us, us. Anything that we want to be. So no matter how hard things can get—don't let your own negative thoughts defeat you and stop you from reaching your dreams. Be the person you want to be and climb through the days coming in our way. That's all I want to say. Happy New Year!"

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