All Sounds Greek To Me!

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Song of the chapter - Telephone - Lady Gaga & Beyonce <3


8:30-9:30 - Breakfast

9:30-11:30 - Training for Rythmic

11:30-13:00 - Lunch

13:00-14:00 - Free Time

14:00-16:00 - Training for Artistic

16:00-18:00 - Free Time

18:00-20:00 - Dinner

20:00-21:00 - Training for Gym Sport of your choice

21:00-22:00 - Free Time

22:00-8:00 - Bed

*All in Greek time

This information came in an envelope at 21:00 (Greek Time). I was in bed, reading, when I got it and decided to go to bed after because it was going to be a long month ahead of me. So I got into my pyjamas on and turned my light off. That night I had a peaceful, dreamless sleep


                                                              Monday 6th March 2004

My alarm rang at 7:00 in the morning, obviously set by Serena. I hopped out of bed, as I was rather a morning person. I knew Kim and Jess would be moaning and setting the alarm on snooze, though. I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I glugged it down then I did a few somersaults and toe-touches. I finished off my first-thing-in-the-morning exercise then wore leggings and a black, sleeveless top with a denim jacket. Then I slipped some pink high-tops on and advanced down to the end of the corridor. When I came to the next corridor, I strolled to the end of it and hurried down the glass steps. At the end of the hall, I spotted Serena with a woman with dark brown, curly hair and brown eyes. I gasped.

"McKenna Jackson?"

She was my idol when I was young, the flexible star that retired from gymnastics at Sydney 2000. After she retired, she was all over the news.

"Yep, that's me!" she laughed and looked at Serena, who was grinning at me.

"She's come to watch you today," said my coach, obviously delighted of her surprise.


"You two are gonna go to a breakfast place in town, called Doris. It's on 30 Praxitelous."

And with that, she shooed us out of the door to see a white cab. We got inane started chatting about gymnastics. Then we got onto more personal things, and then just chatting about anything under the sun. It was the same at the famous breakfast place, Doris, which had absolutely delicious food.

"Now I want to see some of your work, Sam!" said McKenna, when we got back to the dorms. I nodded, then invited her to wait in the training room, whilst got ready.

I went to my dressing room, and put on a pink, glittery leotard with tassels. Then I applied clear lipgloss, blusher, bronzer, pink eyeshadow and mascara. I straightened my hair then tied it into ballerina bun. I picked a pair of pink pumps and went into the hall. There I saw Serena with McKenna.

"Pretend we're judges!" said Serena.

I took a pair of clubs out of the cluboard (See what I did there??) and proceeded to the mat. I curtseyed to Serena and McKenna then went to the middle of the mat and held the clubs up. I was going to perform the routine that I would show at the olympics. I threw the clubs up as the song came on, and let the music take over me as I showed flexibility, charisma and skill. At the end, I bowed and the two 'judges' clapped. 

"Wow! That was amazing!" gushed McKenna.

"Thats's what we think too!" said two girly voices as Jess and Kim popped their heads around the door. They were wearing a variety of jumpers and leggings. 

"Sam, you can carry on practising now. I'm going to watch Kim and Jess then it will be time for lunch. McKenna will stay with you, but pretend she isn't here!"

They left the room so I decided to practise with the rope. I did a few cartwheels and warm-up moves then got the rope and did a few skips with it. Then I practised the Olympic performance, which went wrong at the first try but it was better with the second. Rope was definitely my weak point of the Rhythmic event.

Then I took the hoop and did a small routine (that wasn't my Olympic one) because it was nearly 11:30. At about 11:15, I went back stage and took all my make-up off, putting on mascara and lipgloss afterwards. Then I put a long, sleeveless top and skinny jeans and went downstairs. Jess and Kim were waiting for me.

"Hey Sam!" said Jess, "Serena told us to wait in the sitting room until lunch is ready!"

We went to the sitting room, where there were comfy looking sofa's and a TV in each corner of the room. If you climbed the stairs there were more sofa's and pool tables. Also there was a glass door, which led out to a white balcony with chairs and tables.

"There is food in this cupboard, Helen told me!" I said. Helen was a Olympic Heptathlete, and a close friend. She had been visiting last week, but went the day that we arrived.

We opened the cupboard, to find light snacks. We took a few out to the balcony and ate, finishing just before Serena called us to the kitchen to eat lunch. It was chicken and peas, for we couldnt eat much junk food. We finished the meal then got free time. Me and Kim were going to go Greek shopping. We had learnt Greek so we could speak to Greek citizens. We called at taxi then set off.

"Πού θα θέλατε να πάτε?" asked the driver.

"Το πλησιέστερο εμπορικό κέντρο παρακαλώ," I replied.

When we got to the shopping center, I was suprised to find it was a modern, English shopping center.

"Σκέφτηκα Αγγλικά σας, τόσο εδώ είναι το κοντινότερο εμπορικό κέντρο αγγλικά!" said the driver.

"Σας ευχαριστούμε πολύ!" thanked Kim, as we got out of the car.

This was the start of an amazing trip!

I'm so sorry this has taken so long!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2012 ⏰

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