Epilogue 2

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{One month after school ended}

Sky walked into her usually welcoming home, but now it sat empty. It still felt foreign. She pulled out all the bills and her PayPal. She added up all of the utilities and the rent. She only had $1000 dollars and it was no where near the $560,000 she needed. She looked through all her potential commissions and at best she'd have to put off the medical bills. She pulled up the internet and tried to look into grants and loans to take out to try and stay on top of everything as she filled out a few more job applications.

Scott knocked on Sky's apartment door and there was no answer so he tried the knob. It was unlocked. "Hey Sky? You okay? You haven't texted anyone back in like 3 days. You alive," Scott called walked in. He saw her sitting at the kitchen table out cold. "Hey," he said shaking her shoulder. Sky jumped awake punching him in the chest. "Jesus christ," he strained. "I am so sorry! Scott, oh my god are you okay," Sky asked. "I'm fine," he replied and sat in one of the wooden dining room chairs. "Where have you been? Are you okay," he asked collecting himself. "I'm fine Scott," Sky brushed off. "Your heart says otherwise," he pointed out. She sighed looking down at the paper. I don't know what to do. Even if I apply for grants and loans I'll still need to pay them back and these accumulate interest. I don't know how to do this. And I can't call my aunt for help because she's down in Orange County for the cancer treatments and I told her not to worry about it, that I make more than enough in commissions to cover it all but I barely scrape the bottle of the barrel," Sky started to break down.

She plopped her head in her arms. "I don't know what to do," she admitted. "Hey! Hey, it'll be okay. We can talk to my mom and find out how to get everything covered and I can get you a job at the clinic," Scott offered. "No I can't," Sky started. "Shut up and let me help you," Scott insisted, "It's just some advice and bookkeeping job. I'm not going to pull anything like Winnie even though I wish I could," Scott explained. Sky wrapped her arms around him pulling him in for a hug. "Thank you," she choked out. "It just... It's been like I'm drowning for the past month and I didn't know how to get back to shore," Sky admitted. "First you need to just get your head above water," Scott pointed out. Sky nodded quietly. "Come on," Scott said and stood up. "Bring the bills and We can have my mom go through with you all of your options she has today off," Scott instructed. Sky took his lead and followed him out as she locked up the two bedroom apartment.

They walked into the McCall house. "Hey mom can you come down here," Scott called. Melissa walked down to see Scott with Sky. "Hello," she said confused. "Sky needs your help," Scott started. "I could really use some parental guidance," Sky admitted. "Where are your parents," Melissa asked. "They died when I was really young," Sky admitted thinking back to the call about the accident. It was the most she remembered about them. She shook her thoughts back into the present, "and my guardian is having a mastectomy to remove her breast cancer which is why I'm here. I might have over estimated my income with art commissions to tell her I'd handle the summer until she gets back." "Okay well let's go over the necessities, rent and utilities are going to be priority number one," Melissa started. Sky kept jotting everything down in her notebook. She had only helped in the months prior but she could use all the information she could get. Without her aunt's help she felt lost. Melissa went over the ways she could push back payments and pay in parts. Sky jotted down everything piece of information.

"If you need anything I want you to have my number and the number of Stiles's dad," Melissa insisted. "I'll be fine," Sky replied. "Really all of this has been a great-," Sky started and Melissa held out her hand. Sky stopped mid sentence looking to her confused. "Phone," Melissa insisted. "Can she do that," Sky asked. "I'm momma McCall I can do anything," Melissa replied. Scott smiled to himself and Sky pulled out her phone handing it over. Melissa put in her number and Noah's. "If you need anything at all you give us a call you got it? Any time of day or night. Noah's up at the ass crack of dawn and I usually work all throughout the night," Melissa replied firmly handing the phone back. "Thank you," was all Sky could manage. She wasn't used to adults other than her aunt putting forth this much effort to take care of her. Sky felt lighter almost. A weight felt like it had been physically lifted off of her. The world wasn't going to come crashing down at her feet. At least not right now.

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