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You tried your best to focus on your textbook while simultaneously watching the male practice a certain move repeatedly, until his lack of sleep starting affecting his mental state and he went completely insane. It was bound to happen, he lost his mind nearly every other day in some shape or form; it wasn't like the two of you hadn't screwed around before when the going got tough and the studying got rough.
But now here he was doing the absolute strangest dance you have ever seen in your life that was something a monkey, chicken and walrus would do if they had formed a K-pop band.
Your pencil dropped from its perch between your lips and clattered onto your open book as you snorted out in uncontrollable laughter.
"What is that? What are those? What are you doing?" You huffed between deep breaths to control yourself to no avail.
Jimin flung himself to the floor, rolling onto his back in his own pool of laughter. God it was such a beautiful sound, you treasured it every time you heard it-thank the heavens you heard it a lot. You were one lucky woman and you knew it.
"You weren't looking at me so I thought I should get your attention in some way or another."
"Seriously, for five seconds my book was more important than you-gosh you really are such an idol. But I'm more a fan of your maknae; at least his shit is together 99% of the time."
"Heey!" He rolled on his stomach, resting his face on his arms. He almost looked offended for a second, but as his forever best friend you were not fooled. "I thought I was your bias, that hurts."
You rolled your eyes. "As much as this book will if I throw it out you. I can't even have a bias if you're all my friends-that's just weird." Truth is you totally had a bias and he was giving you such a hard time right now as you were trying to study. The facts were that you loved the boy in front of you.
Well, other true facts included the undeniable truth that you loved food, sleep and despised studying (all probably more than you loved this boy at times). But one truth loomed over your head and cast such a heavy shadow over your heart: the boy was not, and would never be interested in you as anything other than a best friend.
Childhood friendzone was a hell of a thing to break.
The first time he told you he'd gotten a girlfriend you'd smiled and congratulated him with a punch to the arm. Then, you proceeded to go home pull out the largest bottle of alcohol you could find and cry until your eyes swelled to the point that seeing was impossible. You were so drunk you wound up calling Taehyung. Apparently you had called to have him pick you up (you at least knew you were drunk and probably shouldn't drive) so you could go see Jimin and "punch him in his stupid angelic face." Instead of letting you do as you'd please he came over to your apartment with ice cream and a pack of hair binders-for when the alcohol decided that ice cream should come back up. He weaseled his way as one of your absolute best friends pretty damn quickly after that and you pretty much cried to him about everything you couldn't whine to Jimin; which the list was getting progressively longer as time wore on.
The second girlfriend was easier-especially since Tae had showed up are your doorstep prepared with ice cream, and a Jungkook carrying a copy of Mario kart that would operate with your gaming system. He'd come as soon as he heard the news from the still giddy Jimin.
When the third came around the boys were already with you when you got the news. By default you'd had Tae immediately knocking you down with tickles while Jungkook smothered your face with pillows (he knew how much you hated crying in front of them). Unless you were drunk, you didn't care about really much of anything when you were drunk. You resorted to alcohol way too much-so the boys would tell you as they took away your bottle and replaced it something sweeter like chocolate or a sucker.
When the fourth reared her head you finally started to realize that Jimin was never, ever going to see you as anything other than his best friend. So, when Tae and Jungkook showed up on your doorstep you smiled at them without a tear in your eye. They weren't fools so they let themselves in and held you while you bawled this all out to them after your third glass of wine over a pirated copy of the sappiest romance movie you could find. For some reason preying on the maknae's horrible sense of romance made you feel better, and if it made you smile he let you.
After the fourth girlfriend you lost count of his list. You only knew he'd gotten a new one when the pair showed up unannounced by any form outside your front door. They were there to help fill in the blanks of time that Jimin had once filled-before he began spending his time with other women and ignoring his best friend. Even if you spent more time with them than you did Jimin, your loyalties were still horribly skewed in his favor.
For now. Little did you know that ranking would flop on its head as easily as it was created.
People really don't understand the power of words, you can't take them back. No matter how much you apologize, someone's memory will always replay your mistakes.
He still toyed with your heart in his palms; it was evident enough by the simple fact that you were with him now rolling around on the floor.
"Y/N?" He watched you studying so intently you became more focused on maintaining a normal, non-blushing skin tone than the words in front of you. "Have you ever been in love?"
"Aish, what's with this deep thought all of the sudden?" You quickly covered up your loss of breath and lack of a heartbeat with annoyance. "One second you're dancing like a fool and now you're lolling your head with ocean-deep questions?"
He smirked, sitting up quickly to lean into your every expression and word as if he could analyze it for the information he wanted. "So you have! With who? Wait, I don't want to know do I-you haven't dated anyone so you must have had your pretty little heartbroken. I'm not really good at fights so I don't really want to beat anyone up." He scratched his chin with that smiling face of his where his laughter leeched up to his eyes. "But I do want to know what it's like."
Oh hell no, back the fuck up Park Jimin. You became a master at steadying your breathing and focusing on anything but the boy in front of you within the first three seconds of this conversation.
You glared at him. "One-I have too dated people, you're just an oblivious little bastard sometimes." Not a lie, you went on several blind dates to no avail-they weren't Jimin. No one could be Jimin except for the idiot in front of you. "Second, yes I have been in love." And I'm still in love but let's just leave that little part out-kay, bye. "Third, it feels you are so excited to see them your breath collapses in on you. You want to be with them constantly, like just the simple act of seeing their face can erase a year's worth of pain in an instant. They're like the natural healer. Like, I don't know, you just feel it." You cocked your head at him. "Your girlfriend?" You asked like he was supposed to know what such a vague and stupid question meant. It was a struggle to even get the words out properly past the ball of spit gathering in the back of your throat.
But luckily, vague and stupid was 90% of what came out of your mouth so he'd become fluent in the language of idiocy. "She told me she loves me. I've never been with a girl long enough to-well, you know a lot of girls tell me that, but it's just....I feel something when she says it you know? I think...I think I love her too."
Ouch, heart calm yourself. This isn't anything new. The devil on your shoulder hissed her fine breath into your ear, smothering out the angel that became less and less prominent as time wore on in your hopeless love. This is the first time he's come to you with this. This is the first girl he feels something for, he's going to fall in love with her and get married. You know-she's not going to want you around. Pretty soon she'll take your spot as his best friend and lover (not that you ever were anything more than a friend). You smiled despite the stabs via pitchfork from your horrible self-centered, split mind.
"Then you should tell her. I think it would make her happy."
He gave her another bright smile. "Ah, I think so too." His face lost all expression for a second before slipping into a wide grin. "Hey! You should come over tomorrow, Hana will be there and I really think she should have already met you by now-you are my best friend." Twist the knife Jimin, make sure it hits that exact spot why don't you. "Besides, it's my birthday and you promised me when we were five that we would never ever miss each other's birthdays."
You don't mention that he's missed three of yours due to his past girlfriend's being sick, having their anniversary, or a date. You don't mention that when you were ten you promised to take care of each other after every horrible thing in your life. You were in the hospital last year after tripping down some stairs and the only people that visited you were Jungkook and Taehyung-Jimin only found out after you had stopped by BigHit on a pair of crutches. You don't mention that when he cried because the girl he'd confessed to rejected him that you two would always run to the other's aid in times of need. When you needed him because some loser you'd tried dating nearly killed you emotionally with the threat of physical violence he wasn't there until it was too late, Jungkook having kicked the man's ass to the moon by then. You don't mention the thousands of promises that went unanswered on his end.
"I have to study, I have finals coming up, Jimin." You try to pick up your pencil again but his pout causes you to freeze in annoyance. "You're such a child sometimes, you know that?"
"Please? I want both of you there tomorrow." You can't have both of us, you already chose one so don't make me watch.
"You've got the guys."
Jimin rolled his eyes and groaned, flopping down on his back. "Pleeeaaasee, Y/N. Taehyung will be so pissed at me if you don't show up-and Jungkookie will ignore me forever."
"He'll ignore you anyways-he kinda doesn't like you most of the time." You highlighted a line in your textbook, intent on ignoring him and the sound of your heart cracking like stone in your chest.
"What if I promise you can have your pick of the first slice of cake?"
You paused, narrowing your eyes at him. You've waged many fork wars over cake; ever since the two of you were young you've both been determined to be the holder of that treasured piece with the most frosting. It was your crack, the thing you'd give up even love for at most times.
So giving up heartache for a piece of frosting with some cake was nothing.
You could never resist his smile.

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